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Halloween 2001

Slytherin Common Room


Down came the Jenga tower as my roommate, Pansy, pulled the wrong block. I giggle and high five my other roommate, Jenna. "Good job, Pansy. Remind me to give you the job if I beg'in to build a tower." I tease.

"Shut up, Snape!" She says in frustration as she began to pick up the blocks.

Draco makes his way over. "Hey, Lana. The lads and I were going to the quidditch field for a bit of practice. You in?"

I give a nod. "Alright. I'll see you in a moment. I need to clean up."

Draco smiles and goes to walk away. "Hi, Draco!" Pansy suddenly shouts, making Jenna and I look at her weird. He looks at Pansy and gives her a smirk and a nod in acknowledgement before leaving. She turns back to us and squeals. "Oh my Merlin! Did you see that? He nodded to me! Do you think he likes me?" She begins playing with her hair nervously.

"Draco?" I let out a short laugh. "Draco doesn't have crushes. He doesn't have enough space in his head to think about a girl with all that hot air." I pick up my mess and stand to my feet.

Pansy's smile turns into a frown and she huffs. "Well, I think you're wrong." She turns to look back at Draco and sighs. "I'm sure he is just waiting for the right girl. That girl will be me." She says with determination.

My nose scrunches up and I arch my brow. "Oooookayyy. Good luck with that." I look to Jenna. "Take care of that one, will you? She is losing her rocker."

I walk to the doorway and meet with Draco. "Looks like you have a fan already, Malfoy." He furrows his brows in confusion and I nod to Pansy who is looking at him longingly. She spots him staring and waves with a giggle, making him scrunch his nose at her in disgust. I try to hold in my laugh, but was failing.

He glares at me. "Shut up!" He says before he storms out of the common room, the boys and I right behind.

"Come now, Drakey. She isn't that bad, just a bit..."


"I was going to say overbearing, but if the shoe fits." I counter with a smirk.

~Right Before Supper~

I was in the loo, when I heard someone run in. After a moment, faint crying could be heard. I finish in the stall and come out to find Hermione Granger, crying on the floor. I wash my hands, then go over to her. "You're Hermione, right?"

She sniffles, then looks up at me. "What do you want?"

I give her an unsure shrug. "I guess I was making sure you were alright."

She quickly wipes her tears away. "What do you care?"

"Sadness isn't my thing. So, to see it in others, breaks my heart." I go and sit next to her, giving her my full attention. "So, what's the matter?"

Hermione shakes her head. "Stupid boys. I was just trying to help with a spell, but apparently, that made me a nightmare with no friends."

A tiny scoff escapes me. "You shouldn't listen to boys, especially ones that can't handle their wands properly. Shows how daft they truly are." This earned a small laugh from the Granger girl, which I joined into. "Now, I'm a bit hungry. What say you, we go and get some supper? Hm?" She nods and we get up and head for the door only to be blocked by a huge beast.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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