The spy and the Millionaire?!

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Hey guys new book, this is all about a spy called Kailee who suddenly has to tutor a boy called Andrew. Only thing is he's better at English than her, so what's going on? It all comes clear with one brick and a note.

Kailee's P.O.V.

"Hey C!" I call down the hallway, Charlotte spins around and grins running towards me. I grab her in a hug ad people look at us like we havn't seen each other in ages.....well we had seen each other last Wednesday but I was away until last night.

"I've missed you!" She says pulling back pouting, I sling an arm over her should as we walk to out lockers.....yup we met because we're locker neighbours, school actually gave me my best friend. I start to change my books and make sure I have my laptop.

"I missed you too, okay enough talk gossip!" I say and she laughs, we always did this whenever I wasn't at school which was often she'd stay tuned in with the gossip to fill me in. How do you think we blackmail people?!

"There's only one new piece of gossip!" I turn to her and close my locker leaning on it, I roll my hand and she grins. "You'll have to catch me!" She says spinning around and sprinting down the hall, I laugh and run after her. I reach out and grab her bag, I then grab her shoulder spin her around and pin her to the wall my hands locking her wrists together. "Gosh, been working on your ninja skills?" She asks as I release her and she rubs her wrists faking pain.

"Oh yes, so............the news!" She grins and slings her small arm around my waist as she can't reach my shoulder.

"Oh patience never was one of your qualities." I roll eye and ruffle her hair up slightly, she huffs and starts to fix it. "Okay there this new guy, and he's the son to Mr. Anderson." She says watching my reaction.

"THE Mr. Anderson?!" I ask slightly shocked, she bounces her head up and down and I shrug and sling my arm over her shoulder. "Awesome." I say and she huffs.

"You hide your emotions too well." I chuckle and walk her towards English. "Yay! Cookie time!" She says and people stare at her as she starts to skip to our English room's door.

"I can't believe you get so excited over a frickin' cookie!" I say exasperated as I follow her inside.

"Oh come on! It's Mrs. Sally's home made cookies!" She says and takes her usual seat, I plonck down next to her and shrug.

"True." I say just as Mrs. Sally comes in carrying a tray, okay I really want a cookie!


Okay so no one commented or read or voted for my newest book which I need opinions on what to write next, but I'm going to see how well this first chapter does and if you like it please vote it only takes a second :) And if you have a minute comment to if you'd like. Anyway, hope you enjoyed :D Katie :D

The spy and the Millionaire?! (Old, Badly Written)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن