Chapter 5: War Again

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The stress over the situation with the Telmarines faded over time. No word was spoken again about war for four years, leaving the royals to assume the had decided otherwise.

Little Eliana grew, of course, over the track of those four years. She was spoiled immensely by her aunt and uncles, but never took it for granted. She was an adorable child, really. Always happy and her silly side constantly bursting the family into laughter. All the servants and guards and other people of service at Cair Paravel often said she was the highlight of their day. She had a big heart for such a little girl and her parents glowed with pride. But, enough enough about her, I must get on with the story.

Now it had been four years since the Telmarines first announced their wanted independence. It was a beautiful summer's day and the family was enjoying a light lunch on the main balcony. They were chatting and laughing, conversation carrying on as normal when Edmund interrupted with a frightened tongue. "Look!" He said pointing down towards the woods. They watched in horror as a large army emerged from the trees.

"Telmarines." Caspian murmured, his eyes growing intense. The army had indeed grown larger and stronger but still didn't look up to the level of the Narnian army. Caspian dabbed his mouth with his napkin before jumping up and hastening down to the gate.

When they arrived at the gate Lord Tyran, who was dressed in his own suit of armor, stepped forward. "Counter to what you may have assumed, we have not dismissed the thought of independence. As you can see" He motioned around him. "we have grown stronger in the past four years. We are now we are ready to declare war!" Cheers erupted from the army of. Eliana clung to Susan's leg and Caspian grasped his wife's hand protectively. The second Narnians verses Telemarines war was about to begin.

Peter wasn't as afraid as last time because he thought they weren't outnumbered, but little did he know that deep in the forests of Talmar, another group of soldiers hid, making plans and weapons. This group of soldiers wasn't large, but they were large enough to outnumber the Narnians by a small percent.


"Caspian what are you doing?" Susan asked curiously peeking over his shoulder. She had just put Eliana to bed and had came back to their room to find Caspian holding a large burlap sack.

"I-I'm packing." He answered somewhat hesite.

"Packing for what?"

"Things you and Eliana will need when you go to Aslan's Howe." He explained. Aslan's Howe was the place where the people who weren't involved in the war would go during the war to stay safe; it was mostly women and children.

"What do you mean? I'm going to fight just as I've always done. Lucy will go with Eliana." Susan insisted.

Caspian shook his head. "Lucy is staying here to work in the tents for the injured." He explained.

"Then Eliana can stay with Lucy in the tents." Susan decided. Caspian sighed and tossed the bag down on the bed.

"Susan remember that night about two months before you had Eliana? We were out on the balcony and you confessed to me that you were scared to death." Susan nodded. "Do you remember why you were scared?" He asked.

"Yes." Susan stared at the floor as if she was watching the conversation play out again. "I was scared because I didn't want our child to grow up without a mother."

Caspian scooted closer to Susan on the bed and put his hands on top of hers. "That's how I feel now." He stared into a part of her she didn't want him to see. The part of her that knew and was afraid he was right. "I know you're a good archer, but I still don't want to risk your safety." He said rubbing his hand down the side of her face. "I would be devastated if anything happened to you." He held her head gently against his chest. "Now do you understand why I don't want you to fight in the war?" He asked after a long moment letting her sit up straight.

"Yes." Susan smiled. "But that doesn't mean I'm changing my mind." She said stubbornly. Caspian sighed again then laid back in bed and blew out the candle, giving up for the night.


The awful thoughts of war crept into Susan's head that night resulting in a terrible dream. She dreamt that a war was taking place, a huge war. She was sitting in the waiting room of a hospital. Coughs and sniffles and the bustle of nurses surrounded her. It was a modern hospital, probably somewhere in England. She was a little girl again, and everything and everyone seemed so big. She watched as a handful of nurses wheeled in a soldier on a stretcher. They seemed frantic and were yelling orders out to one another. She stepped closer to get a better look but stepped back in shock when she caught sight of his familiar face. It was her father. Everything seemed to go on in slow motion. The double doors labeled Emergency were flung open and into them her father disappeared.

She tore across the room and pushed her way through the doors after him. She followed them into a room where her father was hooked up to all these tubes and wires. Susan had no clue what was going on but she watched intensly. After folding a blanket over him the last nurse stepped away. Susan watched her father's chest rise and drop slowly with every breath and she listened closely to the constant beeping of the heart monitor. Beep... Beep... Beep... Then it stopped. There was bustling around of nurses. One nurse put her stethoscope to her father's heart. She held it there for a second, then she straightened and shook her head. "He's gone." She said.

Being a little girl, Susan didn't understand what was happening at first. Only then as her father was being wheeled away did it all click. Her father was dead.

"No!" She screamed, shooting up in bed. Her breathing was heavy and her body hot.

"What's wrong?" Caspian was up in an instant with his arm placed comfortingly on her back.

"Nothing." She shook her head. "Just a dream." She laid back down and closed her eyes again, wishing away the awful thoughts. No. It's not just a dream. She realized. It's true. My parents are dead.

Suddenly she was hit with a pang of hurt, guilt, and sadness all in one.

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