Shh...It's a Secret: Fate

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  • Dedicated to My Mum

Chapter Two: Fate

The Journey to the Airport was crazy. The roads were busy and blocked filled with people trying to get out of London.  When I arrived at the airport I found myself in a crowd of people.   I followed them and found myself at a desk.

''Hello, can I help you?'' a woman with curly black hair and green eyes questioned. She had this smirk on her face like she knew I couldn't afford whatever I was going to ask for.                                                                                                                                                

''Erm, yes can I have a no return ticket to America please?''

''What part of America?'' she smirked. Gosh she was annoying.

''Err...'' I thought about the places where you had to visit. New York, California, Miami, LA... ''LA''

''That will be £, how will you be paying for it?''


''Sure'' she sat back waiting for the drama to start. Tough luck bitch!

I passed her my Platinum card and watched the smirk fall off her face.

''can I have your passport?''

''Yep'' I grinned, enjoying her discomfort. She looked down at it and paled.

''Samantha Humes...your a billionaire!''

''billionaire's daughter but thank you for reminding me'' I glared. ''how long is this going to take?''

''I'm sorry!'' she squeaked and typed something into her computer before handing me my passport, card and a bunch of papers.

I had gone to the bank and withdrew all my money and transfered it to my other card so my father wouldnt be able to trace me.

I dropped my credit card in the bin and walked away. 

GATE 42 here I come....


''Excuse me''



I was being shaken

''excuse me?''

And I did not like it


Slowly I opened one eye and glared at the flight attendant. Stupid flight attendant I mentally grumbled.

''The play has landed. You're in LA now'' she smiled.

I opened my other eyes and stretched, feeling my limbs click.

''thank you'' I stood up and picked up my suitcase.

It was really light. I really needed to buy some clothes.

I stepped off the plane and smiled.

I don't care what everyone has to say.

This was Fate

I dragged my case and myself out of the airport and stared. Everyone looked like superstars. They where all tanned and has glossy hair and their clothes were looked like they were made for them specifically.

''Stupid celebrity look-a-likes'' I mumbled.

After thirty minutes I found myself in a cab with a driver who I was convinced was trying to kill me. He was driving like a manic! At least London had something in common with LA.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2011 ⏰

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