love and wet cheeks

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5:07 pm

"Had another talk about where it's going wrong"


𝓢he didn't forget to lock the door. She turned back to do as he ordered and further proceeded to make her way to her professor. He hadn't explained what he wanted but she didn't even care. With slow yet paced steps she reached professor Choi in seconds. She stood in front of him not quite knowing what to do with herself. He was still almost seated on his desk. "Come here" he said again, motioning for her to come closer. And so she did. She stood right in front of him and his hands placed themselves at her waist. A place he found comfortable. He looked at her. At her body. His hands on her body. They were now at eye level. Her shortness, not so prominent when he was slightly lowered himself. It felt so good. So right. Even though it was so wrong. Their age difference didn't seem to bother either of them. Barely noticeable because of his youthful appearance. They didn't even acknowledge the fact that she was his student.

"Well, little one" he started lifting his gaze from her body to her eyes. She felt oh so vulnerable under his stare. "I actually don't have much to talk about" he gave her a light push towards him. Only so they could be closer. It was hard for him not to let his eyes wander to other places. But for his own good he only looked in her eyes. Because he knew that if he did let his eyes go elsewhere she wouldn't leave the room as innocent as she came in. And he didn't want to taint her innocence just yet.

She was very shy and didn't say much. He needed her to say something. Do something. "Kiss me" he told her. He knew she couldn't say no. That she didn't want to say no. Her eyes being filled with surprise but she didn't protest. Her eyes going down a bit to look at his lips as he simply waited for her lips to land on his. However when bit down on her lip he couldn't help but say, "If you don't stop biting your lip i might just do it for you". And with that she didn't hesitate in leaving her lips on his. Satisfied he stood up towering over her. She again had to stand on her toes to be able to reach his lips. Unlike the other day, this kiss was sweet. He let her decide, whether it was gonna be sweet or passionate and hot. But he knew she was all too innocent to go the other route. If he wanted it that way he was gonna have to take control. But he didn't want that now. He wanted this.

She felt the love of his kiss. The admiration. She couldn't help but let it bring her to tears. It felt like the first time she ever felt love from someone. Real love. Pure love. Not the love from her father laced with lust and nothing good. Although she didn't remember what he had done to her, she somehow knew he wasn't a good man. Not good like San. And when a tear eventually fell from her left eye, he frowned and immediately let go of her lips. She couldn't stop the tear from escaping.

"Oh lolita, what's wrong?" he asked with concern and worry, the only thing that went over his mind. And when her only answer was another tear falling from her eye and a shrug with her shoulders, the only thing that felt right to do, was to bring her into his embrace. Wrapping his arms around her and her face burying itself in his chest as more tears were heard. She surrounded his waist a little with her arms. She felt so safe in his embrace. Safety she had never felt before. Not with her family. Not at school. Not with her friends. Only with him. It was like they understood each other. In spite of knowing not much about the other. She let herself be absorbed into his body. His warm body, of which she would always think about touching in the least appropriate ways. Of which she always dreamt about. What it would be like to feel him. And now all she could think about was the care he was giving her. How she knew he wanted nothing but to comfort her despite not knowing her reason to be sad. She knew as he combed his fingers through her hair.

He did everything he could to calm her down. He didn't want anything else than to tell her it was all okay and that she was safe in his arms. Right where she was supposed to be. In spite of the fact that she had been attending his classes for almost 6 months now and all he never did was observe her from afar. As did she. Despite not talking a lot for those 6 months, it felt as though they knew each other well. It felt like they had spent every second of the last 6 months conversing. But they hadn't yet both felt so close to each other that they didn't mind.

"Are you okay now, my little lolita?". She only nodded her head, still in his chest, before raising her tear stained face to look at him in the eyes again. It pained him to look at her so hurt and not knowing the reason. But she didn't know either so all he could do was to say, "It's okay now __, don't worry, you're safe now" with me you're safe, my little lolita.

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑨 ─── 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝗌𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now