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Severus Snape sat at his desk at Hogwarts, his quill furiously scribbling away at his parchment. Suddenly, there is a knock on his door.

Strange. He thought to himself as he checked the time. No one usually comes at this hour.

He places his quill down and stands from his desk, gracefully making his way over to the door. He opens the door to find Lily Potter on the other side. "Hello, Severus." She greets faintly, with a soft smile. His brows furrow in deep confusion. He hasn't seen Lily in months. "Might I come in?"

Without a word, he widens the door and steps aside to let her through. She sits down on the green and black couch next to the fireplace. Severus cautiously steps towards her. "Not to sound rude, but what are you doing here?"

The soft smile that graced her lips faded away as she looks down to her lap, fiddling nervously. "Severus....we need to talk about that night."

As soon as she mentioned that night, his demeanor changed from confused to irritated and angry. "I'd rather we not." He turns his back to Lily and makes his way back to his desk.

Lily stands. "But, we must!" Her sudden voice increase made Severus halt mid-step. Satisfied that she had his attention, she continued.

Severus turns to look at Lily, bitter sweetness fogging his memory as she recalled the last night they seen each other.

Severus turns his back once again, trying to regain his composure. He places his palms upon his desk as he takes a deep breath and speaks through gritted teeth. "Why, now, do you come to me to explain yourself?"

"I'm pregnant." Lily reveals. Those two words made Severus's body freeze. Lily reaches into her purse that was strapped to her and pulls out a photograph. She moves next to him and places the photo on the desk in front of him. He looks down examining it. On the photo held two figures in a ultrasound. He turns his head to look at her for confirmation. "Twins." She says with a small smile and a nod.

He straightens himself and presses down his robe before clearing his throat. "Give my congratulations to Potter."

"Severus." Lily places her hand on his arm, but he looks passed her. "We both know that there is a possibility that he is not the father."

"Well, then, I suggest you relay that message to him." He strides to the door and opens it up, still not looking at her. "Now, you must excuse me. I am extremely busy and have paper work to the brim."

The message read loud and clear. Lily nods and makes her way out, but stops at the other side. "I will let you know the outcome."

"Have a good night, Mrs. Potter." He hisses before slamming the door.

August 15th, 1990

A loud bang sounds at Severus's office door. He groans in annoyance before he uses his wand to open the door. As soon as the door begins to open, James Potter stomps in. "Ah, Potter. I wondered when you'll be knocking down my door. Though I am a bit surprised it took you this long."

"You have a lot of nerve speaking to me in such a way, Snape." James growls. If looks could kill, James's glare would kill Severus twenty times over. He slams a piece of paper on the desk in front of Severus. "This is your fault."

Severus picks up the paper and reads it.

Baby A: Based on the results of the analysis obtained from the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.9999998%.

Baby B: The alleged father is excluded as the biological father of the tested child. This conclusion is based on the non-observed alleles at the loci indicated (x). The alleged father lacks genetic markers that should be contributed to the child of the biological father. The probability of paternity is "0%".

Confusion fills his face as the results play over and over in his head. "Impossible." He whispers out loud.

James scoffs. "It sure as bloody would been if you hadn't shagged my wife!"

Severus's lips quirked into a tiny smirk at the sound of Potter's frustration. "Well, perhaps you should have been more satisfactory in her eyes. Perhaps then, she would have never sought me out."

James Potter saw red and pulls out his wand. "Lacarnum In-"

Quicker than his opponent, Severus aims his wand and shouts out a spell. "Everte Statum!"

James Potter flies back and crashes over the couch with a loud thud.

"You should have known better than to do such a foolish thing, Potter." Severus says as he hovers over the groaning man on the floor. "Now. Since we have finished with your childish behavior, you might inform me of any solutions you may have for our current predicament."

James glares up at Severus, breathing heavily. "If you think for one moment I want your spawn in my home..."

"Then, I shall care for the child." Severus walks away from James and picks up the paper from his desk. He brings it back to the , now standing, James. "I expect the child to be here as soon as possible. See to it that they are brought to me unharmed or I will hold you accountable." He turns his back. "You may go now."

Without another word, James Potter leaves to give the news to his wife.

So the deal was set. Lily arrived at Spinner's End with the child a couple weeks later. Of course there were tears shed as she said goodbye to her daughter, but she hoped to one day see her again. Lily sniffed her tears back as she gently laid the child into Severus's arms. "There we are-Oh!- Make sure to hold the head." She showed him what to do. "Promise me you will take good care of her Severus." After giving him a long talk about how to feed and change diapers, she said her final goodbye and left. Left her only daughter to raise a son in a different life.

Severus looked at the child in curiosity. An annoyed sneer reaches his face. "Look at you, all tiny and fragile-" He gives a huff. "- How unfortunate." The baby girl slowly opens her eyes and looks up at the figure holding her. She stares for a few moments before she gives him a tiny smile. This startles Severus because no one ever genuinely smiled at him except for one person. Her mother.

He sits on his worn couch in front the fireplace and just stares at the baby. "I suppose I ought to name you." He thinks for quite a long time. Though the baby didn't mind because she was staring deeply at the bright colors the flames produced. "Svetlana. Yes. That suits you. And I suppose I should consider your mother."

He moves the baby to hold her up facing him. "Svetlana Lillian Snape."

He stares at the baby again and slowly brings her into his arms again. Looking at Svetlana made the Slytherin's heart swell. There was no going back now. Svetlana continues to stare up at him without a care in the world. He went to caress her cheek with his finger, but Svetlana's tiny hand wrapped around it. "Why would someone so vulnerable trust me? Since it is just the two of us....I can't fail you."

With those words, he stared into the fire. Remembering the dark figure that came to visit right before he was hired at Hogwarts. "Just a child who cannot know that danger follows wherever I go. The things I have to do." His eyes snapped back to Svetlana as she began to gum at his finger. A small smile curls onto the professor.

He gently lifts her up and kisses her head. "Though your mother wanted me to make her promises, I can make them to you." He looks into her eyes. "As long as I am breathing, I will never let anything happen to you nor you will ever be alone."


Please tell me your thoughts!

Was it too cringy or did I make you go aww?

Do you think Snape would have been a good father?

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