Acoustic Instrumental

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As your body continued to rapidly change, the marks which adorned it became more defined, announcing their presence on your abdomen and upper thighs. Every day, you slowly became more comfortable with them, only mildly sighing at yourself in the mirror, on a bad day. Mostly, you attributed this to repeated exposure, given that you were living in this body 24/7, for the rest of your life. But, somewhere, behind the analytical tendencies of your mind, you knew that you wouldn't have made it this far without Armin's continued support. Even though he always thought you were beautiful before you got pregnant, he had been making a conscious effort to consistently remind you, ever since your insecurities took control of you just over a month ago. It was almost out of character for him, he had always been pretty reserved, but you knew that was what he was really thinking. As much as you didn't want to seek your validation externally, you couldn't help but blush every time he would compliment you. It started with a simple 'good morning, beautiful' as you woke up, but then quickly manifested into random comments throughout the day. Even if it was a simple 'you look beautiful', it never failed to make you smile.

You're awoken by a shrill series of notes playing from your phone. Startled, you reach for the phone. As you hold it in your palm, your contact photo for Armin fills the screen: a photo of the two of you at sunset at the beach, you sporting your delicate diamond engagement ring that you had since traded out for a slender, yellow gold band. Confused, you look beside you; wasn't Armin just there? Apparently not, considering the emptiness of your bed and the chill of the mattress on his side. How long had you slept for? Haphazardly, you fumble your phone, trying to answer his call in your slothful state.

You yawn. 'Hi baby,' you slur.

Ambience fills your ears; he must be driving. 'Oh no, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry, my love!' Armin says, panicked.

You smile; how much more caring could he get? 'It's okay, I'm okay...what's the time?'

'It's 11.'

You breathe a sigh of relief, you hadn't overslept so much so as to miss your 6-month appointment with Hange that was scheduled for an hour from now. 'Where are you?'

'I told you, I went to get groceries.'

He had told you? You must've been tired, if you were able to sleep for nearly 12 hours and not even recall him talking to you. Pregnancy had really been taking a toll on you as of late. Before you can respond, Armin speaks again.

'Anyway, I'm on my way back. Get yourself ready and then we'll go straight to the clinic, okay?'

'Okay baby, I love you.'

'I love you too, bye honey.'

In a shock turn of events, you manage to get yourself ready in 20 minutes. As you finish heaving your black Nikes over your swollen feet, you can hear the familiar sound of keys turning. Perfect timing, you and your husband could leave now. Using the wall to help you, you slowly stand up, your legs slightly shaking under your weight. As you finally upright yourself, you begin to walk out of your bedroom, standing in the petite hallway that dominated the upper level of your house. You peer over the glass railing, giving you a full view of your living room and kitchen. Armin stands in the foyer, in the centre of your view. He's wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, paired with a light grey shirt you had definitely stolen from him at some point. You give him a shy wave, as if you were back in high school, staring at him from across the classroom. As you meet his eye, sudden realisation plagues his face, causing him to briskly walk to, and subsequently up, the stairs. You cock your head, confused. His gaze follows you, until he meets you at the top of the stairs.

'What are you doing?' You ask, allowing your voice to trail off in a confused manner.

'I don't want you to fall down,' he sheepishly admits. 'I'm just worried about you, that's all...'

My Love (Armin Arlert x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora