Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Ashi heard some noises
She went outside Aash room to her surprise the door was open and she was crying like hell
Ak: are you okay
A:Im fine I am ment to be alone just stay away from me or else you will be hurt too
She started hitting Ashi lightly but Ashi didn't step back she hugged Aash as tightly as possible and soon Aash feel asleep
Ashi couldn't lift her (ofc that scene is for kings yaar)
So she stayed there only (they were sitting facing the window)
She too slept
Next morning..
Ashi made coffee for both and came in Aash room to see Aash was awake or not she was
She kept the coffee on the table and was leaving when..
A:idhar beth na
Ak sat down
A:Thank you
Ak:for what
A: consoling me last night my past is horrible so thinking of it gives me panic attacks and Im sorry for how I behaved yesterday I just don't wanna hurt more people now
Ak: umm for apologies u can start with your past and Me with mine what say
A: fair enough do u have a horrible past?
Ak: yes u can say that
A: first tell me yours
Ak: okay...
Ashina past upcoming!!

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