Growing a little too fond

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It's been two weeks. A fortnight has passed and still Iwaizumi has let himself wallow in self pity, like a coward. This morning, Hajime stood in front of his bathroom mirror for a good ten minutes trying to convince himself that he and the brunette are nothing more than friends. He's clung desperately to the idea, even going as far as to make himself believe that he doesn't even like the guy anymore. A stupid conclusion to draw.

On a better note, during the five or six times they've hung out since then, Iwaizumi was able to shoot down Oikawa's advances.

Well... most of them.

On Tuesday, when he checked up on the brunette again, he was tricked into taking him out to dinner. Oikawa promised, in return, not to mention any of the mushy gushy stuff he'd done the day before to Kuroo or Bokuto, who would inevitably make fun of him for it. But when their waitress shyly commented on how good they looked together, he was too enamoured by Oikawa's reaction to correct her. Iwaizumi just couldn't help but stare as a pretty pink colour bloomed softly from his cheeks (he was also annoyed by how cliche it felt); really, it was surprising to see him so flustered when his expected reaction would be more cocky and coquettish. In the end they awkwardly laughed it off because, as Hajime has been telling himself a lot recently, it wasn't a big deal.

Then there was Friday night, when Oikawa had invited himself over to the other's apartment to complain about his awful day at work and drink beer like some forty year old dad. The actual night itself had been fine, up until his departure where Oikawa pecked his cheek and told him it was a "Goodnight kiss for Iwa-Chan, for letting me complain!" And, well... he sort of just nodded along and let the guy leave.

His biggest screw up though, the one that's had him moping around his office more than he usually does on Monday mornings, was last night. It was entirely his fault this time, no beating around the bush or coming up with some bullshit excuse, because he'd kissed him.

Oikawa had really wanted to repay him for that day he got sick, so he offered to take Hajime out to lunch, and Hajime agreed. When they were just finishing they're totally-not-a-date, Iwaizumi drove the taller home, but before he got out, Oikawa had turned to him and, without any kind of act to play, simply asked for a kiss; his request was granted mere moments later.

It didn't go past that. Only a sweet, chaste kiss before Oikawa opened his door and went inside after saying goodbye. If Iwaizumi stayed parked for a couple embarrassingly long minutes to process and regain composure, nobody needed to know that.

Now, he sits slouched at his desk, unproductive. His thoughts are all over the place and most of them are fueled by the guilt that seems to be endlessly piling up inside of him. He's had Matsukawa's lecture on repeat for the last while, but even with that and the weight of his own continuous mistakes bearing down on him, Iwaizumi can't bring himself to own up to it.

It's so wrong. Every fleeting moment he spends with Oikawa only makes the both of them grow more and more attached to each other. Hajime has let himself drag this on for over a month now since he and Oikawa first met.

It feels like they've known each other longer.

Iwaizumi is pulled from his self pity when a small ringing sound erupts through the room. How is it that his mother always calls when he is distressed and in need of advice?

When he answers, Iwaizumi Keiko greets her son with no more than a hello before getting straight to the point.

"Are you alright, Hajime? I have a feeling somethings going on with you, since you haven't called or messaged me in a while. Quite out of character for you." She explains and she is right; he hasn't spoken to his mother since asking for a soup recipe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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