Chapter Nineteen

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In the ports of the city floated a couple ships, although due to recent storms the numbers had begun to dwindle down all was still apparently good. Atleast it was good enough for the businesses.

In these dirty port areas were two men, one with a slightly tanned complexion, the other a tad bit fairer.

  "Did you really have to incite a public revolt today?" He asked to his fellow companion in broad daylight, it wasn't as if anyone could care any less however.

The black haired man just rolled his eyes, "Yuf, there's two things I'm sure of."

Yoruland'uf bit his lip, "Go ahead, even if it's a non sequitur."

  "Oh you do not know me enough, lad, everything I say is connected, atleast I think they are in the grand scheme of things."

"As I stated earlier, go ahead." He simply said once more, his eyebrow twitched ever so slightly however, the corners of his mouth trembling as if waiting for something wrong to happen.

"Where was I again?" Miguel asked whilst stroking his chin, eyeing the clear blue sky that had a couple dotted clouds near the horizon, the majority of which stayed present for some time.

Yoruland'uf just sighed, "It's always like this."

"Anyways, I know two things with absolute confidence, the monarchy sure as hell isn't good for this country."

Yoruland'uf raised a brow, almost stopping. In his hands was a box with a shade of brown many times darker than his was, and inside it was something any common person would die just to get now-a-days, something rare and hard to come by.

He asked, "What's the second thing?"

The rogue looked back at him, halting completely in his tracks, "Didn't think you'd care to know about the second one."

  "You'd be surprised, sir, I care about alot of stuff." He said whilst stopping to look at the buildings on the right, unsurprisingly they were made of majoritvely wood and lacked the curlicue of the rest of the city's 'fancier' by comparison houses, although the folk in the ever expanding slums wouldn't agree with that statement.

Opening the door with the sound of panicky bell rumbling to their attention, Miguel gave out a slight chuckle, "Yeah, especially petty things like women's underwear, right lad?"

Red cheeked and slightly rushing ahead to do his job, Yoruland'uf paced his way around the interior of the storehouse, the man at the counter looked slightly malnourished if not just sickly pale.

  "Sir, I see you have brought the supplies we had asked," he said before being bashed on the head by a woman who came out from underneath the counter. "A-and thank you, m-my lord."

The woman smiles deeply before nodding at the two, carrying the box into the backroom and disappearing from view.

  "What was.. what was she doing there?" Yoruland'uf asked in slight curiosity, a gulp followed by innocent whistling insured the two complete and sweet ignorance.

Miguel walked around, looking at the interior with a smile, "Time moves by fast, doesn't it? Are those charges I asked done yet?" He asked.

The man shook his head as if to say no.

Miguel frowned, though he understood the cause of the delay.

He slowly paced around before checking the business ledger with a frown. "Why the low sales? I thought you said you could handle this?"

The man wiped away a bit of sweat before giving a slightly awkward cough, cleaning his monocular quite fervently first however.

"My Lord, there has been, as they say, a change in dealership in the rival party, I just can't compete with such demands."

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