Florie, Katherine and Darcy walked past the newsies.

Romeo made his way towards the trio and said to the girls, "Well hello, hello, hello, beautiful."

Jack noticed the girls and pushed Romeo to the side. "Woah, step aside, Romeo. Nothin' more concerns you here." He turned to the girls, focusing on Florie. "Mornin' Miss. May I interest you and your friend in the latest news?"

Katherine glanced at Florie with a frown before saying, "The paper isn't out yet."

"I would be delighted to deliver it to you two personally."

Florie stepped closer to Jack and smirked. "I've got a headline for you. "Cheeky boy gets nothing for his troubles.""

"Ooh!" the other newsies cried.

"I'm crushed!" Jack exclaimed.

"Back to the bench, slugger," Romeo told Jack. "You struck out!"

In turn, Jack pushed Romeo.

As the trio walked away, Florie said, "You remember that newsie I bought a newspaper from five years prior?"

Katherine nodded. "Vaguely yes. Was that him? The one in blue?"


"He's kind of cute."

"He's cocky and arrogant."

"I think you'll fall in love with him," she singsonged.

"You're so incredibly wrong about that."

"We'll see. Two run-ins can't be coincidence. The third, which I guarantee there will be one, is fate."

"You can do that thing where you shut your mouth now."

Katherine sighed. "Okay, but I know I'm right, Florie."

Florie rolled her eyes and ignored her cousin.


Finch noticed that the headline was bein' put up.

Specs said, "I hope it's real bloody with a nice, clear picture!" He faced the headline board.


The silence was broken with various boys saying things like, "Oh, come on! Really?! Not again!"

"The trolley strike? Again?!" Elmer complained.

"Three weeks of the same snoozer." Race whined.

Finch continued complaining and a new voice interrupted them. "Make way, step aside."

Race waved his hand in front of his nose. "Oh, dear me, what is that unpleasant aroma? I fear da sewers may have backed up during the night."

"Or could it be..." Crutchie added.

"The Delancey brudders!" the newsies cried.

Voices grew heated and Crutchie ended up being pushed to da ground.

"That is not nice, Morris!" Jack cried. "One day, you might find you got a bum gam of your own. How'd you like us pickin' on you, huh? Hey! Maybe we should find out!"

Jack swung the crutch and both the Delancey's fell as he ran.

Amidst the commotion, a bell ring.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you!" Oscar cried.

"You gotta catch me first!" Jack called as he ran.

The newsies got in line for their papers as Weisel was yelling for them to line up.

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