Chapter 2- Stefan

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Chapter 2- Salvatores

We arrived at Mr. Tanners classroom a minute late. I stared horrified at the clock along with Cookie. Oh no! Being late to Mr. Tanners class was basically signing for your own death.

"We're going to die." Was all I said. It was all I needed to know. Cookie nodded in agreement.

"Well, her goes nothing." She said before we both stepped into the classroom. If you saw our teachers face you would think that we just killed his best friend. I was petrified.

"It's nice for you to finally join us, Ms. Gilbert and Ms. Blaze. And why exactly late?" He half growled, sneering our names. Let's just say that he didn't particulaly like us very much.

"We're sorry. We got out of dance late." I lied easily. Luckily, I was a great lier and can form a lie faster than it takes to say WHAT. Nobody apart from Cookie, Ali and Elli could ever tell when I was lieing. Cookie however. She was a completely different story. She couldn't lie to save her life. If our lives depended on her lieing then we were doomed.

Mr Tanner easily believed my lie and sent us to our seats at the back of the room together. When we were sat down we grinned and high fived. Elena smiled at me from her seat at the front. I quickly returned it with my own and completely tuned out whatever rubbish Mr Tanner was saying.

"I really don't understand how Elena can't see through that fae smile at yours. I know your good at acting but your own sister should be able to relise if your lieing or not. You need to tell her the truth." Cookie whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes.

"Cookie, you know why. She already has enough to deal with, also I'm the older twin so I should be looking after her. She dpesn't need to worry about me." I replied, sighing. She sighed as well and gave a short nod.

"I know. I just wish that you would share your true feelings with someone other that us." She told me.

"When was the civil war?" Tanner asked the class. I was the only one who raised their hand. He looked to me to answer.

"In 1864."

"Correct Ms Gilbert." He nodded in approval. He went on while I turned back to Cookie and we continued to chat. I noticed it when the new kid, Stefan I think his name is, knew every date Tanner asked him and I connected the dots. He was a vampire.

When the bell rang I caught Stefan's arm.

"Could I talk to you?" I asked him. He nodded. I led him into the lockers.

"I know what you are." I whispered so quiet only a vampire would be able to hear.

"How?" He asked, worry plastered on his face.

"I'll tell you after school. Meet me at the lockers." I told him, then walked of into Art.


Finally after what seemed like forever the bell rang indicating it was lunch. Cookie who I was next to actually screamed in joy. I laughed at her immature behaviour. We met Ali and Elli at the lockers.

"Hey Cookie! Hey Ice!" They said in unison.

"Hey Ali! Hey Elli!" We replied, also in unison.

"Ready to make an entrance?" Ali asked us all. We all replied at the same time.

"Hell Yeah!" We formed two pairs. Me and Cookie at the front and Ali and Elli behind us. As we strided into the dinner hall all eyes turned to us as usual and everyone in our way made way for us. Ali giggled at how everyone practicaly worshipped us. We all sat at the table in the exact centre of the room where we usually sat. As soon as we sat down everyone turned back to what they were doing before we came in.


Stefan's pov

As I was getting my lunch I noticed four girls enter the room. Two of them in front of the other two. One of them was Elena's sister who had said that she knew what I was. Everyone made way for them to come through. It seemed like people practically worshipped them. They sat down at the table in the middle of the dinner hall and as soon as they did, everyone went back to what they were doing before they came in. I saw Elena behind me also getting her lunch.

"Hey Elena, who are they?" I asked nodding my head over to the four girls that had just come in.

"Oh, that's my twin sister Mist and her friends, their called the golden four and their the most popular people at the school. It's mostly because their top dancers." She told me. I nodded before paying for my lunch and leaving to find somewhere to eat.


*Thanks for reading*

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