The Illness

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Maria Shío was a funny looking teen. Unfortunately for her, she was born with a misshapen ear. She was a 22 year old cat. Her body was scrawny and frail and her eyes were large with visible bags. It was the middle of October and all the trees had already turned scarlet. Maria was alone as she walked down the narrow cobblestone streets of her city.

She walked quickly, her chin nuzzled into her breast as she moved against the chilly autumn wind. Many unusual stores lined the streets. They had abnormal names such as juicy juice blabber or gloppy slack tv repair. Maria couldn't help but chuckle as she passed Zipper Drippers R US. Since she was a child she used to call the shop Zipper dripper. Many fond memories began to fill her little mind as she continued walking. When she was a kitten she used to hang out with her friend James at Zipper Dripper. That was before Jeremy passed away from diabetes when they were in high school.

Maria began to tear up a little after thinking about Jeremy. "He was so innocent and so computer illiterate" she thought to herself. Finally after much walking she came to the door of a large red brick building. On the building there were bold letters that read: Psychiatry and rehabilitation, serving the city of Pale willow since 1542. Maria shuddered as she pulled out an appointment card from her back pocket. She quickly adjusted her scarf before entering the building.

Inside the building smelt like moldy rags. Maria couldn't help but crinkle her nose as she walked up to the receptionist. The receptionist was a fat calico with a fake and rather creepy smile. "Welcome dear! Are you here for an appointment?" "Yes" answered Maria "I've come to see my results from my last visit with doctor Harper?" "Can I get your name please" Maria handed the calico her appointment card. "Ah yes Maria Shío, please have a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly" suddenly Maria jumped after hearing a restrained patient shouting "NURSE NURSE GIMME MA DAMM CIGARETTE! NURSE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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