Highschool in which Aizawa gets bullied

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Warning: A little abuse and bullying

A/N: I know the POV switches from 3rd person to 1st person in Hizashi's POV, I'm sorry y'all I didn't realize until after I wrote it all and I'm too lazy to go fix it. The songs in this story ARE NOT MINE. The songs are: Electric Love by Børns, Die Happy by Dreamers, and Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars.

Shota sat silently at his desk, staring blankly out the window. Hizashi wasn't in school today. Shota was worried. He had sent the blonde at least a bazillion text messages, had called him at least a trillion times, and Hizashi Yamada hadn't answered once.

UA High.

It was the most well-known high school in all of Japan. It trained the best heroes there were. Shota had big dreams of becoming a hero. But he didn't want to be famous, like that new hero All Might that had come over from America. That big-shot had been a student at UA around ten years ago, and his homeroom teacher had been the Gran Torino. The only opinion Shota had in him was that he could have chosen a catchphrase a bit better than "I am here."

Shota watched as two squirrels chased each other up a tree.

"Aizawa?" The teacher questioned.

"Oh, um, hm?" He stumbled, snapping out of it.

"Answer the question."

"Oh, can you repeat it, please?" He asked, embarrassed as the class started laughing quietly.

The teacher sighed. "Aizawa, you need to start paying attention,"

Shota was saved by the bell ringing.

Now it was time for lunch.

Instead of going to the Lunch Rush like everyone else, he went up to the roof where he used to always eat lunch with Nem, Zashi, Oboro, and Tensei.

But then Oboro had died, and they didn't really come up here much anymore. Shota knew Oboro's death had changed all of them. And he was aware that he was a completely different person than he was before. He had been thrown into the horrible reality of being a hero. And he believed that maybe he wasn't cut out to be a hero, after all.

Shota still liked coming up here. He stood there, leaning against the wall that surrounded the edge. He folded his arms on top of it, looking out over the school grounds below. It was so quiet up here, and Shota liked to be alone. It gave him a chance to think. He hopped up onto the ledge, sitting with feet swinging high above the sidewalk below.

He knew he would get in a lot of trouble if he was caught doing this, but he wasn't concerned. Nobody ever looked up. From his backpack, he fished out a black leather notebook filled with pages that were shriveled from getting wet, stained from food or coffee, bent and torn. It was almost full. There were only a few blank pages left. He also grabbed a pair of earbuds from his bag, plugging them into his phone and opening Spotify. He chose one of the playlists Hizashi had made for him. It was called, "Songs to Vibe To."

Shota wasn't sure what 'vibe' meant, but he shrugged it off. He twirled his pen in his hand, listing to the first song that came on. He had never actually listened to this playlist, but Hizashi had insisted, so now he finally was.

Candy, she's sweet like candy in my veins
Baby, I'm dying for another taste
And every night my mind is running around her
Thunder's getting louder and louder

Shota had never heard this song before. It definitely wasn't the type of music he listened to.

Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck
By your electric love
Baby, your electric love
Electric love

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