10.Who is the prey

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The new ruler's aide zeon zarvier is on the way to the empress office .he enter the office but the empress is overly busy to the point she doesn't even notice a presence

"Blessings and glory upon the obliean empire, greetings your majesty"

"Ho! Zeon you came" Athanasia said with a life less voice

It's been a weeks since she took over  the throne and all the great mysteries are solved now, the empire started to move on and becoming normal, as for the people princess athanasia studied in overseas for more than five years she was not here since her teenhood,the princess is really careble person That's why she left the doppelganger in her study to take care of the people and framed in the end out of jealousy of others .no one dare to opose her decision of being the new ruler, she make them bend down but still some unworthy nobles like Alpheius try to catch her attention but she canceled all meetings with nobles for resent dayses only the nation meeting are attended, she didn't have any other choice but to

"Yes your majesty and with the other palacess budget lists you asked for"

After athanasia became the permanent Empress she change many things,she took over the Garnett palace for her self because the former emperor claude works there it's easy for her to collect more info of the empire which she is not there for years and for some reason she like that place and felt more comfortable there

The first thing she do for the money is to cut the luxury budget of the palaces other than Garnett,Ruby and sapphire

Garnett is the palace which she chose for her self she lived her life in totally darkness and poor so now she is no longer that poor girl she remodeled it more fascinating and cool she get more variety of dresses from the best designer from other countries

Ruby palace is the place she grew up and she doesn't want to people consider the palace as a disgrace instead she rebuilt it, ruby palace is no longer the palace for the concubines athanasia built it with more gold and pearls and bigger filled with proper noble maids and butler now it's more luxury than sapphire and emerald palaces and became a palace for royal mother who are the mothers and close persons to the emperor or empress, not for concubines now or ever. she is not even a married one then why should she need a palace for concubines now it's belongs to her beloved nanny maid Lillian no the royal mother

Sapphire palace is for the guests who will be  in the palace she have this, in the thought of her royal aunty queen della and her royal brother emperor xuan. it's actually indeed for the guests but now its even more important for serving

As for the other palace are now useless for her so she decided to decrease the budget only salarys for the maids for cleaning and maintenance no extra workers other than gardeners she decrease the number of workers there and shift to the ruby and other palace equally maximum ten maids and one gardener it was before twenty five and four gardeners now it's become less, with this she will use it for her self without using her own budget it was indeed a nice plan.

After zeon left her study she decided to take a break for a little while after she became a empress she worked her ass off for the empire was totally in a disaster condition she literally cursed the emperor proxy wholehearted for making her work without any break or sleep he done nothing other than spending his money like a water,she seems like a walking zombie now thanks to her useless pawn her uncle Anastasis

She dicided  to take a walk in the town to see the current state of the empire's commons. she just stand in the top roof and observe them and she suddenly sees the large book store in front of her and she wants to take a look so she is

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