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Many things in life are not expected.

If everything was expected, then people wouldn't be shocked. Everybody would know there was a surprise party and act surprised, and all the partygoers would expect that they expected that, and the person who the party's for would expect that everybody had expected-

Well, you get the point. So when my friend Almira came up to me with a very unexpecting revelation, I was shocked.

"I think Adrian Palmer is my soul mate."

At that moment I was just sitting on the school wall, turning off my cell phone after trying to locate her. If I hadn't had an amazing balance from being tottered in high heels a lot, I would have fell from that information.

I can't lie, I did fall and slightly ruined one of my shirts.

Instead of being the reasonable friend, I immediately grabbed her shoulders, and asked her, "What is wrong with you?"

That earned me a shove and an angry glance. "He is, and if you can't handle it . . . then you can't handle me."

"Whatever," I muttered, after she went inside from the bell. If she wanted to be unreasonable, then fine. It's not going to ruin my junior year.

Too bad it did.

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