All Natural

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        One very important part of rearing healthy, happy children for us was discovering natural herbal remedies. 

        I want to talk about the most often used herbal weapons in our arsenal of remedies. 

        The first supplement we don't leave home without is tasteless, odorless, 500mg garlic pill supplements. This supplement is very helpful. It is generally safe for children as well as adults. Of course always listen to your physician. Safe dosage can be obtained online, or by calling your local pharmacy. We follow the dosages found on the label located on the bottle, and use the supplement to treat colds, sore throats, nausea, and flu like symptoms. 

        For the toddlers, I take the clove from a garlic bulb and cut off a tiny pea size piece so the little ones are definitely getting the amount for their size. 

        Sometimes we go to a restaurant and afterwards everyone has tummy aches and there is a line to get to the restroom. It would appear we have a touch of food poison. Sometime when we get nausea it's from bad germs that found there way into our bellies. A little tea spoon of wine is all it takes sometimes to kill that bacteria and return our bellies to their normal performance.

         In other countries, and people who travel abroad usually have a glass of wine with their meal, because of the higher chance of food poisoning due to lower health and safety standards. 

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