The World

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To the world,
You may just be,
One person.
But to that person,
You may be

"You are my Rock"
You Said
No "Ireplied you are your Rock"
I'am the mirror

God's not dead
Hes upstairs watching

They say theirs two Fathers,
One above and one below.
One on top, and the other down under.
They lied...
The one above was was looking down,
And only saw hes reflection.

A seed is planted, it will grow,
Blossoms  into the most beautiful flower ever.
Petals will fall,
Dry out and die,
Know matter what it will always be,
Reborn again,
Never the same.

The world rotates,
But were standing still.
Love is all around us,
Noone wants to complain's.
Were all just blinded bye the light,
Of the sun being so bright.
But no matter what,
The world will always be rotating,
While were all,
Still standing still.

A child laughs,
A bird sings,
A flower bends in the wind,
And no matter what!
A tear will always fall.

After the rain comes water,
It walks from leaf to leaf,
And dives into the pool,
Rain drops dance all over,
Night upon these green polished water,
Lily pads...

I hold a ripe blue plum in my hands,
A world of sky lines in my,

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