Taken From Me

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Halak stepped into the apartment and Arlo walked past him, pulling an orange out of the fruit basket on the table and peeling it as he walked to his room across from Halak’s. Halak stepped forward and examined the fruit for himself, trying to decide if he wanted any. The bowl had never been there before Tara had moved in, but she thought it would help to liven up the place. None of the others had any concern with the liveliness of their home, but it was a nice touch, though he decided he didn’t want any at the moment.

Halak stepped around the table and walked to his room, as he approached the door, Tara’s opened her own. She stood there, bleary eyed and in pink pajamas. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at him.

“You work too late.” She said, stifling a yawn.

“It’s the thrill of progress.” He said.

“Sure. What were you doing? Emergency call?”

Halak shook his head. “Just something I’m trying to figure out.”

“Must be a tough puzzle.” Tara stepped from her room and walked to the table, pulling an apple from the basket and sitting down. She took a bite.

“You look tense. Need a back rub?” She said with a smile.

“I need sleep.”

“As do I.” 

“So, why are you awake?”

“Wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I was fine before you ever came around, I’ll be okay now.” Halak said, turning to enter his room. He stopped, not wanting to simply close the door on her, though he was tempted.

Tara stood up from her chair, apple still in hand, and walked to Halak’s doorway. She loomed just inside where the darkness began to veil her. 

“I know. But one day your aren’t going to be,” she said. “And, until that day, I’m always going to wonder.”


“And worry.”

“Then maybe this isn’t the kind of life for you.”

“I have no other one.” She said, turning on her heals and walking across the room back to her door. “That was taken from me. Remember?” She gave Halak one last look, this time without a smile, and stepped into her room. The door shut behind her and a moment later the light seeping through the cracks flicked out.

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