Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

To say last night wasn't the best sleep I've gotten in a while would be lying I thought as I stretched, climbing out of the bed. I covered my mouth as a yawn came out and stayed out for a second. I removed my hand from my mouth scratching the itch on my back . Grunting, disgusted when my hand touched crusty hard stuff. I shuddered not knowing if I should peel it or not "hey." A voice broke me out of my thoughts. I tensed up and turned toward the voice " you scared the fudge out of me." I screamed at the culprit, smiling on the inside as the culprit aka Damien flinched " good morning to you to." He muttered " but anyways take a shower and get dressed."

I rolled my eyes" I don't have any clothes." I stated " and who said I was agreeing to anything."

He grunted sticking his hand in pants, I blanked out when I studied his attire. White button up shirt, that made his muscles that were obviously under his shirt defined.I traced down his tie to his black pants, which slightly hugged his thighs. Yummy( no he is the enemy remember no matter how delicious he looks) I shook my self out of my daze looking back at his face. Seeing he was staring at me, my face heated up with embarrassment " are you done drooling." He smirked

I glared at his pretty green eyes " oh no I just wanted to tell you your barn door is open." I laughed as he checked his zipper, he let out a sigh when he figured out I was joking. "Hardy, har, har." He said flatly " as much as I would like to play games with you." He paused looking down at wrist at his expensive looking watch " we don't have time, your stuff is in the bathroom." He finished walking out slamming the door slightly. I sighed knowing I would have to do everything he says until I can escape. Now where's the bathroom I thought walking around. I walked to the door Damien walked cursing him when it didn't open. I look around walking to another door that caught my sight. I pushed the door opening" oh my gosh." I gasped doing a happy dance, the bathroom is huge. A walk in shower and a huge tub with jets. This is paradise I thought, walking to the shower. I looked around the shower seeing body wash, wash cloth and towel. I laid the towel on the side so it wouldn't get wet, then took my shower. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a spare towel around my wet hair, glad that it was short enough to dry with a towel. I wrapped the towel my body, almost dropping it when someone knocked on the door"yes." I screamed through the door" I have your clothes." Damien stated" and you don't have to scream". I cracked the door sticking my arm through the crack. "Pass it." I screamed, trying not to snort. I blindly reached for the clothes, closing my hand around something hard. I pulled back my arm closing the door" what is this." I screamed glancing at the so called clothes " you have five minutes before I come in there and put it on myself." Damien screamed I scrambled to get on the side of the tub, taking the towel off I quickly rubbed oil on my body and slipped on the thong and garter and thigh highs. Sucking in I pulled up the tight pencil skirt, then put on the black and red lace push a bra. Trying not to think how he got my size right. I buttoned up my white constricting shirt, wishing I wasn't wearing a push up bra and that my shirt had more buttons. I took a small breath to keep from popping out of the clothes then waddled out to see Damien sitting on the bed looking at his watch. I closed the door hard to get his attention, lets just say I got what I wanted. Damien head snapped up" You look good." He said looking me up and down. He stopped at my stocking clad feet" I knew I forgot something." I watch him as he went to a door I haven't seen before, he threw it open. Walking out a few seconds later with black sky scraper heels." No." I gasped " I am going to break every bone in my body." I stated crossing my arms. Dropping them when Damien started staring at my boobs.

Damien shook his head as if he was coming out of a daze" hush, we are going to be late." He said pushing me on the edge of the bed" now hold you foot or I will." He said grabbing my ankle. I complied lifting my foot and slipped it in the shoe setting that foot down. I lifted my other foot up and he slipped the shoe on, I tried to sit my foot down but he wouldn't let go" Damien, let go of my foot." I looked at him to see he was staring up my skirt" we are going to be late." I said

Sorry it took so long and sorry it's short.




^^Pickel out^^

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