6 | Tight-lipped Smile

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"T! Hurry up or we're gonna hit traffic!" I call from the kitchen of Taryn's apartment on Saturday morning as she finishes packing her bag. I don't know what's taking so long, we're literally just going to our parent's for one night.

But I would really like to get out of here so we don't hit too bad of traffic since everyone knows the traffic here is absolutely horrendous.

It gets worse and worse every year, I remember it being bad when I was a kid but now somehow it's even worse now. And to make matters worse it's the last week of what a lot of people consider summer, unfortunately not us because we've already started school, so a lot of people are coming through Portland to get home.

"Shit! I forgot to eat breakfast, can you go grab us some muffins and coffee please?" She pokes her head out from her room, giving me her best puppy dog eyes which she knows I can't resist.

In case you hadn't already caught on, Taryn is the friend who always waits until the last second to start getting ready or pack, whereas I'm the kind of person who does everything the night before so I'm not stressed when the time comes.

"Sure, I'll be back in 15 and if you aren't ready by then you're going to have to be the one to explain to my mom why we'll be late for lunch." I warn, grabbing my phone from the counter and giving her the 'Mrs. Winston look' as she calls it.

My mother kinda has a thing for punctuality, and she has this glare that comes with it. According to Taryn, I inherited such stare and she's deemed it the 'Mrs. Winston look.'

She gives me a thumbs up and disappears back into her room, which I know is most likely an absolute disaster area. I gave up on trying to help her pack for things a long time ago. She is a notorious over-packer, and she can never decide what to bring.

I mean, we're only staying one night and I'm sure she's bringing at least three outfit choices, probably more.

After stopping by my apartment to grab my wallet on the off chance I'll need it since I already have a tab, but you can never be too safe, I head down the stairwell for a little extra exercise and cross the bustling street toward the coffee shop.

As usual for a Saturday morning, it's busy compared to any other day, even more so with travelers out and about in the city, but not so bad to the point where it's too crowded.

Of course the second I step through the door my eyes are immediately drawn to Harry who is seriously wearing a Kacey Musgraves t shirt, the one with the rainbow on it.

Now I don't really listen to Kacey Musgraves much, but Colt loves her due to his country roots and I swear that kid always insists on playing her when we let him have aux.

He smiles when he catches my eyes as I walk up toward the counter where he's currently making someone's drink.

"Mia bella, mi è mancato il tuo bel viso amore mio!" He beams, showcasing his dimples. {My Bella, I've missed your beautiful face my darling!}

I have absolutely no idea what he said save for hearing my name in there somewhere, but I return his bright smile with one of my own, just as happy to see him as he seems to see me.

"Goodmorning to you too H, are you seriously wearing a Kacey Musgraves shirt right now? Colt would kill for that." I chuckle, pointing at his shirt, making him look down at it as well before looking back at me with a lopsided smile.

"Yeah I am, I love Kacey, I'm so glad you introduced me to Colt because we were actually fangirling about her last night." He shrugs with a smug smile before turning his back to me to put the flavoring in whatever drink he's making.

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