1 • The Fight

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Picture of Rosalie attached in the media section.



[Rosalie's POV]

I left Starbucks with a vanilla bean frap in hand, my eyes drooping. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night.

I was two cities away where some poor old lady fell down, at one in the morning, on some random street, of a heart attack. I felt something was wrong and let my senses guide me over there in a rush. I took her to the hospital and stayed with her until I was sure she was fine.

Talk about being a guardian. One thing is for sure, it's not all sunshine and daisies. I sighed, walking over to my car.

Okay, one thing everybody that knows me knows: I LOVE my car. It's a bright red Camaro, one of the only things I never get rid of. I mean, I move around a lot being a guardian and all, so I usually make friends and crash at their place for a few weeks until I'm called elsewhere.

See, the whole guardian thing isn't that complicated, but it's still a hassle. All magical beings know about us, but not exactly who or where we are. Here's the catch: guardians are all over. So, to keep things organized and make sure there's a guardian covering certain parts of the world, we have a sort of organizational structure.

The structure starts off with a married guardian couple that have been there since forever. They are what you could call the bosses, we call them the Officials. They have powers beyond normal guardians and have their ways of knowing things.

Technically, there are certain parts of the world, where there's a large wolf populated area, or a vampire nest, where there are tons of Magics. That's where guardians are needed the most. However, few are still placed in ordinary places, to keep an eye out on the humans and keep them from harm.

I was sort of in between the two. See, depending on your abilities, you're placed.

Now, most guardians have one, maybe two powers plus their wings and the power to heal and advanced sense, which we all have. I have the basics but I also have three powers. Telekinesis, invisibility and shielding. It's not unheard of for a guardian to have three powers but it is rare.

I was meant to be placed with a bunch of magics, but I wasn't really up for it, so they placed me in the middle. Huge cities on one side filled with humans and a more woodsy area on the other where a few wolf packs live. Thankfully, I haven't had to go there once yet, and I'm hoping to keep things that way.

Blah. Enough zoning out Rose! I got into my car and headed to Clara's.

Clara's my best friend, the first human I met after my Awakening. I woke up in a meadow, walked off until I got to the city. Another guardian contacted me there, gave me some cash, a credit card and a run down of how things worked before sending me off.

I met Clara at a park and I've been living with her since then. She knows all about me being a guardian and everything, she's practically family. Well, her parents actually adopted me, so I guess she really is family. She was gorgeous, but refused to believe she was anything but average looking. I, sadly, was perfect.

Believe me when I say I'm not being vain or shallow. It's just how things are. Being a guardian is kind of like being an angel. We're made to perfection. If you ask me, it's the dumbest thing because how the hell are we supposed to blend in with humans if we're absolutely perfect?

Humans have faults, they're not perfectly symmetrical. Their hair isn't always shiny, their faces aren't smooth and spotless, their bodies deteriorate as they grow old. I think that's what true beauty is.

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