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     The sound of the door creaking open woke Brynn. She didn't know what day it was, she'd lost track of how many meals she'd barely eaten. Fatigue was getting to her. That night, she'd dreamt that she was a fairy in the fairy caves at Istamere, and that Van Eck was a giant who'd come to kill them all. The last thing she saw before she was awakened was a little fairy Kaz calling to her amidst the chaos that Van Eck had caused, his little black wings faltering, before eventually giving out and was crushed underneath the mercher's large foot.

Brynn shook her head free from the memory. She'd be appalled if Kaz even knew she dreamt of him, it would be best to keep the picture of a little fairy Kaz out of her mind forever.

Someone ripped off her blindfold much rougher than Bajan ever had. She blinked, trying to see whoever was in front of her, a lantern held in their hand. It was one of the guards that often came in with Bajan, the one with a large nose and thin eyes.

He reached down and pulled Brynn quickly to her feet, rustling the blankets pulled around her to help her sleep on the hard ground. He didn't bother with untying Brynn's binds from behind her back to in front of her, so she knew she wasn't going to eat. So what was happening?

The guard pushed her into the chair, setting the lantern down on the table next to her. Brynn eyed him, but her attention was soon averted to the door again.

Van Eck strutted in, his cold eyes soon adjusting to the dark and finding Brynn. He seemed smug, as if he knew something that she didn't. Bajan entered after him, and then two more guards afterwards. The door closed shut behind them.

"Has Brekker been keeping you busy that you couldn't be bothered to visit?" mocked Brynn. "Good. I don't like seeing your face anyway."

Van Eck rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Miss Adala, I do not have time for this."

"So why are you here? Has your music teacher been slacking on gathering information from me?"

"No, I don't have time for your mockery," he said. "I gave Mister Brekker seven days to broker a trade for your safety, but my time is running out. I must get Kuwei Yul-Bo out of the city as soon as possible. And I can't do that if I don't know where he is. So I am going to give you one chance to answer me, and I want you to think long and hard before you do: Where is Kaz Brekker keeping the boy?"

"How should I know that?"

"You are the one person who Mister Brekker seems to trust with information. You are the one person who Mister Brekker seems to rely on."

"You seem to know him so well, you should know that he wouldn't keep Kuwei in a place where I could lead you to him."

"Is that so?"

𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃//𝐊𝐚𝐳 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now