The Room

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        Jim woke up in the darkness, unaware of where he was.

        "What is this place?" He asked himself.

        Suddenly, extremely bright lights illuminated

  the room. The room was empty besides the black glass on the wall and the chair. Panicked and confused, Jim bashed at the walls and the chair.

        He collapsed to the floor, with his head in his hands, crying. It was then that he heard a spraying sound, something like a gas leak.

        Except it was not a leak.

        Jim saw green gas come up through the floor. Before long, Jim found himself asleep. He dreamed of being knocked out, dragged, and seeing people in lab coats around him.

        When he awoke, he realized he was strapped to the chair. Jim started to panic again, but then he remembered the first time. Jim began to evaluate the situation. He noticed that his arms were strapped to the chair, as were his legs.

        Jim tried to break free but he could not. He had to figure something out, but what?

        Too late.

        More gas crept through the floor, into the room.

        "Did I fail? Did I do something wrong?" Jim asked himself.

        Then it hit him. He was not getting tired. Instead, he felt more awake -- more than he ever did before. Jim easily broke the chair. He felt a surge of power and triumph run through him.

        He tried pounding at the wall. It started to break apart, brick-by-brick he tore it down.

        That's when he saw it. A huge triangle with an eye in the middle... the symbol of the Illuminati

Jim's DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now