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I'm currently in my parents car my boxes of things in the backseat with me or the trunk. We are on our way to the school to turn my things in and leave.
I'm glad there's no school today. I would not want to go in front of everyone to leave college. Not my choice but still. I have no choice.

Not sure what I'll do when I get home. We'll unpack but after that what now. My onlyfans is gone , that's done with. I really don't wanna work at my parents jewelry store. I love that they have a business and all but it's not for me. Not saying only fans is but I rather do that then jewelry store. Once I'm in the business I'm in business. I can't back out of it. I really can't disappoint them more then they already are. I know they are furious with me.

They only have said "hi" and "let's go" nothing else. They keep giving me these dirty looks well my mother. She can't believe her daughter did that and showed her body on the internet. I didn't even see Trenton before I left. I didn't want to. I had an enough time but I decided not to go see him and say goodbye. But I said bye to Nick and the boys and of course Ella. I hate that she's by herself now.

"Leilani do you have all your stuff to give back" my dad ask me "yeah it's in my bag" I answer "we will come in with you just to make sure" My mom says and I shake my head as they park in the parking lo.

We all get out and I lead them inside the building. The main office people should be expecting us. My parents said they called yesterday after they left my ex apartment. Sad to say and think about. We walk down the long ass hallway before I open the door to the main office. The lady looks up "Copeland" she questions and my parents nod. The lady goes to the back room and I see her grab a couple papers.

She comes back and lays 2 papers on the table . "I'll take your things" I grab everything out and hand over my books and shii. She puts them down before handing me a pen "just sign these" she says and I sign my name a couple times on both papers. "Now you have 30 days to come back and after those 30 days you will no longer be able to come back" she tells me and I nod

"if you do come back you will only have a month left" she adds and takes the papers back. "We wish you the best in your future" oh me too "thank you" I smile before dropping the smile as I walk out the office "if everything out your locker" my dad ask me "let me check" I walk to my locker and open it.

I make sure it's empty before I close it and they follow me outside. We all get in the car and my dad starts driving. We ride past all the apartments and I really don't wanna see any of it. Just a reminder of what I'm leaving right now.
So much has happened in a month and half.


I walk downstairs after Leilani left like 30 minutes ago. She's gone , why did I do that. Why did I tell Trenton. Then she literally told me how she felt right after. If I would have waited just 5 minutes and she would have got to me before I got to Trent.

The boys look at me as I get downstairs "Ight?" Brandon ask "what do you think" I ask "no" he answers "this is all my fault" I sit down "ehh yeah it kinda is" Zion says and I look at him "you said it first not me" he puts his hands up. "We told you not to" Austin says "you know I don't listen" I say "oh yeah we know" Edwin nods "you can still call her" Brandon says and I shrug "I don't know"

She doesn't wanna talk to me. She just wanted to say bye. The whole vibe just has changed since she left. Knowing I won't see her anytime soon makes me go insane and she's been gone for only 30 minutes. Yes she's a hour away but I can't go down to see her and her parents are there. Like I said I'm pretty damn sure she wouldn't wanna see me or talk to me. I wish I could go back and change stuff.

I wish I would have known I would catch feelings for her and start to love her. Love really does come at unexpected times. The plan has been over. It backfired horribly on me. This could have been prevented In many ways. I need to figure something out. I think she has 30 days to come back so for these next 30 days I need to get busy.

I need to come up with something to have her come back and I already know that it is not gonna be easy at all. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes.


I set the last box down in my childhood bedroom. It's bittersweet. I love this house. I grew up here and it's has so many memories here. I just don't wanna be here right now. But it's cool seeing all
the old family pictures and my old toys. Even when I moved out 9 months ago I still kept all my stuff from when I was little. All my pictures of me and Ella through the years.

We were still little not worried about anything except if that we could get the new toy tomorrow at the store. No boy trouble, not worried about school yet. Not knowing anything crazy. Just living our best little lives. I miss not having to worry about everyone else. We didn't care what anyone thought of us because we were little kids.

Now it's just a big mess. Love problems , family problems , being an adult. Sometimes I wish I could go back to this picture and this exact day.
So much easier back then.

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