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"Let's round up that crew boys!" Gregory exclaimed to his gang.

The paw patrol gasped in shocked.

Barnacle's let out a loud roar telling his crew to 'run and Hide! While I distract them!'

Barnacle's crew did what their captain told them to do as they started running.

"Alpha! Grudge! Get the animals!" Gregory exclaimed at his two aggressive dogs.

"Leave them alone!" The pups exclaimed.

"Come on pups! We have to protect them!" Ryder exclaimed.

"You boys take the animals. The bear's mine." Gregory ordered his gang.

The paw patrol then worked together doing thier best to protect the octonauts.

Rocky and Zuma worked together taking down Grudge.

Skye and Chase worked together taking down Alpha.

Marshall, Everest, and Rubble worked together to protect the octonauts.

And Ryder and Jake worked together to hold off Gregory and some of his gang members from capturing the octonauts.

"Get away fwom hewe! You bug bully!" Zuma barked at Grudge.

"Oh wow I'm so scared. I'm shaking in my paws." Grudge taunted.

Grudge then aggressively picked up Zuma and through him away as if he was a rag doll.

"Zuma!" Rocky exclaimed.

Grudge then picked up Rocky and ran of with him.

"Put me down!" Rocky barked.

"Quiet!" Grudge growled.

Meanwhile with Skye and Chase...

"Your not taking our friends away!" Chase barked at Alpha.

"Oh ya?" Alpha said.

Skye then flew into the air and through some pebbles at Alpha.

"Take that! You big meanie!" Skye barked.

"Good one, Skye!" Chase cheered.

But suddenly Alpha somehow mange to grab Skye from the air and ran away with her!

"Skye!" Chase barked.

"Chase! Help!" Skye yelped.

Chase started running towards Alpha, but he couldn't catch up Alpha was just to fast.

With Everest, Marshall and Rubble...

"We have to find them a safe place to hide!" Everest said.

"But where?!" Marshall asked.

Suddenly, hoof sounds were heard from a distance.

Two of Gregory's friends, Rusty and Aiden caught up to the pups and the octonauts.

"Let's get them!" Rusty said, preparing the net while Aiden prepared the cages.

"Watch out!" Everest barked.

Rusty then through the net and thought he caught one of the octonauts, but he didn't realized he caught Marshall instead.

"Marshall!" Everest and Rubble exclaimed with shock.

Rusty then through the net again capturing shellington, then Peso, and lastly Tweak the rabbit.

"I think that's all of them!" Aiden said, as he and Rusty rode back to their gang.

Everest, Rubble, Kwazii, and Dashi all stopped running and ran after Rusty and Aiden.


Barnacles was distracting Gregory by running in zig zags while avoiding the ropes.

"COME ON YOU DAMN BEAR!" Gregory yelled.

"Leave him alone!" Ryder exclaimed.

"GET AWAY KID!" Gregory's friend from behind scolded, taking out a gun and aiming the gun at Ryder.

"Ryder! Look out!" Jake exclaimed, pushing Ryder out of the way.

The bullet was fired and missed the two.

"Thanks Jake." Ryder thanked.

Gregory then looked at his watch on his wrist, it showed that it was time to head the the train.

"COME ON BOYS TO THE TRAIN!" Gregory exclaimed.

"Boss what about the bear?!" Rusty asked.

"Just leave him." Gregory replied, as he and his gang rode off taking Peso, Shellington, and Tweak, and Rocky, Skye, and Marshall.

"Ryder! Pups! Help!" Rocky, Marshall, and Skye barked.

"NO!" Ryder exclaimed seeing his pups be taken away.

Barnacles then stopped and saw Shellington, Peso, and Tweak being taken away. He roared out and ran after the gang, along with Kwazii and Dashi from behind.

"Quick we have to go after them!" Ryder said.

So Ryder, Chase, Zuma, Everest, Rubble, and Jake, ran after Gregory and his gang.


Oof I haven't wrote a chapter for a while, I have been busy and refreshing my mind. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Octonauts and Paw patrol save each other (crossover fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now