Keep gates shut

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I didn't notice the gate was not on the latch. I did not hear the creature walk past me. Our science experiment moving out. It was my job to keep an eye on it. I panicked and pressed the button. A young, assistant ran to me and tripped over. I tell them it is on the loose. His eyes look at me scanning for a joke.  I shake my head and he realises it is not a joke. That the creature is gone. He then gets up and brushes himself of. He signs what are we going to do?. I look at him and tell him I don't know. Then we here its cry in the distance.

We decide to walk slowly around looking around. Following the direction we heard the sound. Our gun's loaded ready to tranquilise it. I hear a noise. We quickly turn around. It's the founders daughter. I tell her to be quiet and follow us. She nods, her wavy hair moves as she nods. We hear the sound again and crawl on the floor. We wait to hear the noise again. We all froze not moving. I feel my breath speed up a bit. I breath slowly.

We have spent years studying this creature. Doing all sort of qualifications. Meeting government officials. We have done minor experiments on it. The founders daughter of the project was there at the events. She is such a pretty little thing. I have worked with the assistant before. But we didn't always speak to each other. I feel my feet are wet, as we enter the tunnels. We take our shoes off and carry them. We walk through the water. It might have gone now into the world. All that effort we did, gone. I look at the others, we need to carry on. 

A light shines in the distance. Noises are heard a woman's voice can be heard. Doesn't she know the dangers. I tell the others to be on alert. There is a creature on the loose and now a unknown women running around. This is dad. The assistant signs to me about the woman. I tell him I don't know.

The woman screams at me. She tells me to get my clothes off. And that dinner is ready. I nod at my brother and cousin. They begin to strip down too. We were having fun. I fire my water pistol at the creature. My older cousin yells at me. He tells me enough.

You can still have fun at fourteen with your ten year old brother and eight year old  cousin. By ganging up on your eighteen year old cousin. Until your aunt tells you off.

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