Chapter 8

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"Well young lady shall we discuss our deal?" 

Delmion's soft whisper resonated through her ears. 

In the corner between two walls, he held her close. 

Which was precisely the reason why Estelle was pissed.

"Well yeah sure, but next time, let's not decide to pull the other person in a corner like we're in some shoujo manga oh and... HOW ABOUT CALLING THE PERSON DIRECTLY INSTEAD OF BEING SUSPICIOUS AF?!" 

"Good advice. I'll definitely not be getting close to a drugged animal next time. Jeez, my ears hurt." Delmion winced while stroking his ears. 

Estelle pushed herself away from him and held back her curses. They definitely didn't have time to argue. 

With a frustrated look on her face, she sighed and asked him about their deal. 

" Wow... You didn't start cursing!" 

"Well stop before I do." 

Delmion let out a chuckle. 

"To begin with, you know my weakness and I know yours. In order to prevent conflict and destroying ourselves, which is really troubling since we don't get along in any way, we have to stay close to each other. So I was thinking that we should -" No. "

" What?"

"We are not doing a dating contract." 

"How did you know I was going to say that?" 

"Because you read shoujo mangas." 

Estelle didn't give Delmion any moment to talk. She didn't want to deal with all the drama that all those female leads go through. Especially considering this dude who will only suggest such options. 

"Then what do you suggest we do?" 

"We.." Estelle winced with a disgusted face as the words refused to leave her lips. 

"We.. Be.. Co..." 

"Oh, a new episode of who made me a princess is released." Delmion tempted Estelle. 

"We become friends." She said without hesitation. 

Just the thought of it sent chills down her spine. Being friendly with that annoying shoujo dude. But her secret was more important. 


'Why isn't he saying anything?' she looked up at him. 

" The heck? "

Delmion was holding back his laughter and trembling uncontrollably. 

"You look ugly." Estelle insulted him with anger. 

He burst as he couldn't hold it in anymore. 


"Idiot." to think she had gathered all that courage just for him to laugh on it. Her anger at this moment was immeasurable.

"Anyways, that doesn't seem to be such a bad idea." He said as he wiped a tear off his eye. 

"Now that that's settled, I have some terms I need to discuss with you." Estelle said with a serious look. 

"Go ahead." 

" I want you to avoid getting close to Izi the dizzy- I mean Iziana."

"Why so?" Delmion asked, 'I was going to do it even without you telling me to do so. She reminds me of trashta.'  He thought. 

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