Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

{Simon P.O.V}

"Yes I'm ready!" I jumped up and dashed out the door and towards Ryan's voice. This has to be stressful, he's seeing his parents again for the first time in months and bringing his boyfriend to meet them as well. Ryan is an amazing guy I hope they know that and don't condemn him for his sexuality.

Ryan smiled up at me from the landing at the foot of the stairs. He's got a gorgeous smile, it just makes me want to paint him like one of my French girls. The only problem with that is I can't paint, plus I know no French girls. But I can always get painting lessons in France. Hm plausible. My amazing boyfriend gestured for me to hurry up and walk down the stairs, which I of course did. Although there is no need to rush me, when the time comes I'll arrive at the front door. Just in spite of him hurrying me I glided down the stairs slowly when I walked to him.

"Ready to go now Simon? Or do you need to go back upstairs and make a grander entrance?" Ryan teased while opening the door.

"Almost ready!" I called and ran over to a small table near the stairs and picked my sunglasses out of the crystal bowl. If I take any longer Ryan may just stab me with some glue or something. After sliding on my awesome ass shades I ran back over to him, he gave me an exasperated look as we walked out. What, I had to get my sunglasses. The sun hurts my eyes majorly I typically don't leave during daytime without them on.

"I was beginning to think you decided not to come so you were stalling every second you could," said Ryan softly.

"No I just tend to forget things when I'm rushed, besides I would never make you face your parents alone. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just hung you out to dry like that?" I took his hand in mine with a gentle, reassuring squeeze. My small act of reassurance earned my a gentle smile from Ryan.

"Thanks love I really appreciate it,"

"Don't mention it, what are boyfriends for anyway?" After offering him a smile he leaned over and pecked me on the lips gently and briefly. From that simple touch my body felt as if I had an electric current running through. Pleasant butterflies fluttered lazily around in my stomach, I could get used to these butterflies. That spark I get from his touch isn't so bad either, I could get high off that feel. Every kiss or touch is so amazing, I feel renewed, reenergized even. There's no doubt in my mind that I love this boy. Does he love me back? I know he calls me love but that's just like a pet name. Could someone besides my parents or Monique actually grow to love me?

"Something wrong Simon?" Ryan questioned with a worried expression playing at his features.

Do I wear all my emotions on my face or what? "Yea I'm fine, just thinking. I'll tell you about it later, let's just get going," I smiled, though it felt very strained. I'd love to just go ahead and confide in him now, but right now it's time we worry about him. Besides all this talk about love would probably stress him out further.

We walked over to his mustang, like a gentleman he opened the passenger side door for me. Awe he's so nice to me, I so don't deserve him. I hopped in the car with him getting in the driver's side right after.

"Everything will be ok Ryan," I offered randomly with a smile.

"I hope you're right,"

{Ron's P.O.V}

So far everything is going as I have planned. Except Ryan seems to be getting cold feet, he's been avoiding me and acting odd. If he screws this up I will end him, this is my one chance. Lilith is on board and she's gonna help. Lilith is this bleach blonde dumbass who is so easy to manipulate, she despises Simon probably because she wants me but I want Simon.

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