Chap-02: Sans or Riverman?

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The door's lab opens in a fraction of seconds, startling me. I look at the darkness in front of me and then down to my flip-flops. There was no reason to stress, right?

Some sort of cold shiver retained me to steps any closer as I was frightened at the idea of disturbing Alphys, being some sort of burden, or even being yelled at for entering a private part of the laboratory.

I look around the giant metallic doors for a panel that says any information but found nothing but LAB written on top of the entrance.

I swallowed my saliva and made a quick and shaky move with my leg between the doors, checking if they weren't gonna close to me. When they didn't, I made my first step and directly walk inside the dark laboratory.

The doors behind me closed in a fraction of seconds like before, making me flinch, like always.

I hate loud noises.

The advantage of me being in the lab is that I can see where the yellow giraffe-looking child that reminded me of Laa-Laa from the Teletubbies but with a wig or a brown Komondor attached on their head. Even if it's not simple to note where exactly the human child is because the camera stays focus on their face, I can still figure out in which part of the underground they are.

Thing is, the screen shows no one.

"Doesn't that screen detects humans' souls or something?" I mumbled under my mask. In all honesty, it has been six years since I've last watched Undertale carefully, having passed my time on the Sans AUs fandom, I have forgotten every small piece of information, theories, and most importantly, the map. If I remember right, I left the Undertale fandom for Fnaf, creepypasta, SCP, cartoons, and many more, until I've fallen into another underrated fandom called the bad end friends four years ago, where you could find in tier 1, Bipper from Gravity Falls, Beast Wirt from Over the Garden Wall, Ice Prince Finn from Adventure Time, but more importantly, in tier 2, Genocide Frisk and Flowey in tier 3.

This is what made me want to go back to the Undertale Fandom and soon after, I have fallen in love with the concept of Sans AUs and Papyrus AUs, around two years ago.

So if I calculate this right, I've joined the Undertale Fandom six years ago, quit it for others, came back two years later thanks to an underrated fandom, and discovered two years later the Sans AUs Fandom without focussing on Undertale.

"Damn, I should have paid more attention to those details..." It wasn't like I could change anything anyway, for all that I know, the human could be already out of the Underground after a neutral or genocide run or not here yet due to a reset. Does the human have to climb the mountain after every reset or do it appear after falling down in the ruins?

Good questions...

I didn't lose time as I immediately went into the front door and left the laboratory. No one was inside anyway and I am way too stressed to find and have an awkward conversation with anyone...

Outside of the Lab were placed two guards that were blocking a path on my right, a save star right in front of me with a path that lead toward the bridge scene where the human choose to spill water on Undyne or not and a small path on my left, leading to somewhere that I obviously don't remember.

Who wouldn't try to touch the save star? I'm sorry, it's just too much to handle, I must satisfy my curiosity.

*(Seeing such a strange laboratory in a place like this...)

*(You're filled with ???.)

That kinda hurt, to be honest... what soul do I even have? Does the saving star have to be that rash on me? Okay, it wasn't actually rash but still!

Back to my new problem, do I pick the path in front of me or at my left? I know that the one in front of me is the path where Sans is, which means that I can meet him or pass through him if he's asleep. Maybe visiting the left path first would be a better idea, knowing where I am and what choice to do.

I step away from the save star and went left to the unknown, sparing a glance at the two guards in precaution, I quickly went away from there.

During the time when I was discovering Alphys' lab and a save star, my playlist had past two songs already. Why I'm telling you this? because I wanted to.

May the Kingdom Dance from "Tangled" change my mood.

How many of you actually listen to Disney, cartoons, anime, video games, and more these days?

"Tralala. I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" a hooded figure asked as I look at him with wide eyes. I'm sure that if I was to be a skeleton, my eyes light would change into stars, or not...

I didn't wait for any second as I immediately approach the river person with hast. Fuck this, and I'm sincerely sorry but Riverguy goes before Sansy for me.

"Where will we go today?" he asked.

How about this, I go have a boat trip with the hooded person to Snowdin, meet Papyrus, and then I'll meet Sans. That sounds like a good plan, and after that, I can go take a nap.


"Hum... How about Snowdin?"

"Then we're off..."

The boat started to go as the hot air soon turned into mild to cold air. Either cold or hot, I wouldn't mind anyway. I sleep with tons of hoodies in summer and literally can't catch a cold because of my uncommon immune system that doesn't allow me to get sick. Let's just say that it has its advantages and inconveniences...

"Tra la la. I heard spiders have a favorite food. It's spiders."

"Ah ah... thanks for the information..." Did you know that even if I love insects I'm scared of them? Butterflies and ladybugs are my favorites, but when I catch one near me, I start panicking.

As for spiders,... I found them cute but I would probably yell...

If I was somehow stuck in the SansAUs fandom - disc for nowWhere stories live. Discover now