Chapter 1

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It was your first day of 10 grade after summer vacation. Yours and your bf broke up a couple months ago so you had a massive glow up over the summer with your bestie Samantha who you also call Sam,Sammy to annoy her.


It was 8:45 and you could hear Samantha beeping her horn outside you ran to the car (you can imagine what your wearing) Samantha looked you up and down saying "damn y/n you look hot" you thanked her and hoped in her car.once you got to school all eyes were on you (soon as u had a massive glow up over the summer) you walked past everyone like a bad bitch to your locker u whispered to Samantha "why is everyone staring at her" she looked around and pointed to the end of the corridor "that might be why" you look down the hall to see your ex bf making out with your bsf kacy you walked over to them with an angry look on your face u go up to them and slap your ex in the face "owwwww what was that for" he said u then turned around and kicked your now ex bsf knee causing her to collapse on the floor she lets out a quiet groan as she hit the cold floor. You screamed in both there faces "go to hell you whore you scream at your ex bsf and just have your ex an angry expression. You walk of like a bad bitch as your your ex is helping your ex bsf up as everyone is cheering your on.


Your in first period sitting at the back of the class (cuz your kinda the shy kid but everyone knows of u cuz this is your 12 school you have been to) you sit there with your hood up as you suddenly here the door burst open you look up and see a tall 6ft boy and curly hair with Crystal clear blue eyes with tatoos all down his body with a scar down his eye.
You can't take your eyes off him until suddenly he turns his head to look straight into his eyes you stare into his eyes he slowly starts to have a devilish smirk forming on his face you clear your throat and look away.

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