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I'm going to try to make this sound as mature and formal as possible (which is totally against my nature).

So, I would just like to point a few things out about my writing before you read my story.

First and foremost, I don't use cuss/swear/curse words in my writings. I feel like they're unnecessary and keeping them excluded from my work doesn't hinder the story in any way.

Also, I don't write smut. Period. I don't know what you consider smut, but in my mind, smut is writing in description about any form of foreplay or sexual intercourse and that's not something that I want to do. I don't have a problem with kissing or things of that nature, but if anything extra happens that is relevant to the story, I will make it obvious without the grotesque details.

Although my stories don't have swearing or descriptive sex, most of them will be rated PG-13 for the fact of they tend to have mature elements including drugs, alcohol, physical and verbal abuse, self-harm, and other things that I don't think certain age groups should read.

Another important thing for you to know is that I am a Christian. No, I don't hate homosexual people, people with substance addictions, women who get pregnant out of wedlock, atheists, or anybody who doesn't believe like I do. I love everybody, regardless of your morals or lifestyle. I almost decided to not even tell you this simply because the term 'Christian' has such a negative connotation these days due to the hostility of people who wrongfully claim the label. That being said, I decided it was best to inform you because sometimes my belief finds its way into my writing. I'm not ashamed of it; God gifted me with the ability to write, so He deserves to be included in my writing. I can promise you that I'm not going to shove God down your throat; your faith has to be your decision. So please don't let this keep you from reading my material.

Lastly, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this (if you did) and that I love you specifically just for being you. Your talents, your personality, your looks, and everything about you can be used to make this world a better place. Don't ignore the fact that you are worth so much more than anything else you could ever try to be.

You are beautiful.

You are important.

You are more than enough.

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