The gauntlet is Thrown

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You were watching joey duel against Téa in school and he seems cocky as usual.

Tristan: Joey make your move already.

Joey was smiling and he summoned his rock ogre.

Joey: Kay Here you go tough guy, My rock ogres gonna rock your block off.

Téa flip her face down and showed Happy lover.

Joey: Yeah téa like that wimpy card has a chance against my giant rock guy, Give it up!

Y/n: 3, 2, 1-

Téa: Guess I don't stand a chance unless maybe I use the breath of light card.

Joey: Huh can she do that?

Y/n: Yes bro she can and it can destroy all your rock type monsters, it reduces them to ruble and reducing your life points to Zero.

Joey was in shock.

Téa: that brings your life points down to Zero joey, once again you lose and I rock.

Tristan: You stink at this game.

Joey lay on the table in defeat and you were patting his back.


You, Yugi and Joey were outside, joey was laying on one of the triple horizontal bar while yugi was sitting on the lowest horizontal bar and you were just right beside her.

Joey: Tristan right Yugi I do stink I can't win a duel monster just to save my life, what is it Yugi why can't I ever win, Teach me what Im doing wrong?

You got off the bar and held your hand out for Yugi to use and she had a slight blush as took it and got to the ground.

Yugi: W-Well let's start by checking your deck joey.

Joey: Huh, Kay?

Joey gone to his pocket and got his cards out so Yugi can see.

Joey: Here you go.

Yugi: Thanks.

Yugi was shuffling through Joey's deck and it was filled with monsters.

Joey: Power house line up don't you think?

Y/n: Joseph where are the traps and spells?

Joey: I don't need them bro and besides I place them in your duel box as well as the wimpy ones bro.

Y/n: That explains the Kuriboh. No wonder I keep on receiving spells and trap cards?

Yugi: No one can win with these, joey your decks filled with nothing but monster cards.

Joey: You got it I packed it with every but kicking monster I can find.

Yugi: But that's not how the game works!

Joey: Huh?

Y/n: Duel Monsters is all about combining your monster cards and your magic cards to increase their strength.

Yugi: With no magic in your deck your Monsters will be creamed Everytime.

Joey ran around the bars and head straight to Yugi.

Joey: See that's the kind of stuff I need to know Yugi you gotta help me learn more.

Yugi: Uh.

Y/n: If only he was this eager to do his homework and study for the exams.

Joey: Come on bro cut me some slack.

Y/n: I know Joseph, I know.

Later again.

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