Ugly in a Beautiful World

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hey guys, okay, so this part is going to be kind a short only because it's just giving you an overview of what i want this story to be like. i don't know if its a good story line or not, so please, let me know what you think.





I don't really know how long I've felt this way. But for as long as I can remember, I've always felt ugly. Unwanted. Useless. Worthless.

The girls back home never liked me. And I have no idea why. They made my life hell. They took away all the friends that I had. They spread rumours. Told my friends lies. I was completely and utterly alone. And there was nothing I could do about it. No matter how hard I tried to get people to believe that all the rumours and lies weren't true. They wouldn't. Because who would believe a worthless outcast like me, when the person who was bullying me was everyone's best friend, the most popular girl.

I suffered their wrath for so long, that I am completely scared. And I do know it. But it's not easy to recover from. It's not easy to just forget everything that's happened, and move on with my life.

So this is my story. On how I'm ugly in a beautiful world.


i know, i know, it's short. but i just wanted to get this out there, and see if you guys would like it. so, please let me know if you like the story idea, i promise, it's not going to be one of those typical stories. so please let me know what you think, if i should continue it or not.

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