the wedding crasher name Zeke part 9

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Zeke -well the Detective and the Doctor are happy married this to good Levi look at the man and started deduction him with Eren behind him

Levi -Zeke Yeager 30 year old Professor ??? the rest you are hiding so Professor Zeke what do you want me since it my and Husband big day

Zeke-am just here congratulation the new couple and new little one that be in your life

Eren look at this man and lay his hand on four month stomach look at Levi with fear in his eyes

Zeke-Eren don't be like that I wont hurt you at all

Levi-stay way from my Husband and I sure just you leave before I Lestrade here throw you out of are wedding

Zeke-okay I leave for now but I be back

Zeke walk away from them and  then walk out of the wedding reception

Levi watch him leave Make sure he walk out build Eren look like he about to passout Levi walk over to him and hug him and say to Eren

Levi- it okay Love am here am not going him  get you Eren

Levi see the Farlan walk over to him and said to Levi look at Farlan sure

Levi-Armin can you stay with Eren for a min my brother and want to talk to me

Armin-sure Levi I stay with him to you get back

Levi -thank you Armin

Armin- your welcome Levi

Levi walk over to Farlan and both walk way from the guests but not from the couldn't see them and ask farlan what need to talk about

Levi -what you need to talk about with me Farlan

Farlan put out a file on Mr Zeke Yeager and say don't look at now wait after your wedding Levi look the file and took it

Farlan put out a file on Mr Zeke Yeager and say don't look at now wait after your wedding Levi look the file and took it

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Farlan-don't look at now wait after your wedding thing look at

Levi-okay I look at it when Eren and I get home we are going to wait to go on are honeymoon to the baby is born

Levi hide the file and when back to his Husband hug him and ask him Eren look  see Levi walk back over to him and Hug him and Levi ask him

Levi-you okay now love

Eren-yes am okay now and he or she calm down

Levi pull his hand on Eren stomach and say

Levi- that good love

Armin-okay everyone  this wedding so let have some fun

Krista -yes my husband is right we are celebration the happy couple on there big day not some who was not invitation to the wedding

so that what they did by the end of the night the now happy couple back at there apartment it was there wedding night Eren took off his wedding suit and show Levi his surprise Levi look at Eren with smile on his face and say to Eren

so that what they did by the end of the night the now happy couple back at there apartment it was there wedding night Eren took off his wedding suit and show Levi his surprise Levi look at Eren with smile on his face and say to Eren

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Levi-you had that on the hold time even when you had that suit on

Eren-yes I did you like it your surprise Levi

Levi-like it I love it now come over here Mr Ackerman

Eren walk over to Levi put him into bedroom and started to kiss him and it started to get heating and they made love all night long and Eren said to Levi

Eren walk over to Levi put him into bedroom and started to kiss him and it started to get heating and they made love all night long and Eren said to Levi

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Eren-this is happy day of my life and you make the happing Levi

Levi-you make me the happing to Eren

they both fell a sleep but what they didn't know is that Zeke has take a very like to one Mr Eren Ackerman and is going to make Levi very mad so Zeke stool outside of there apartment and smile to him self

Zeke -you will lose Mr Levi Ackerman you will lose this game I make sure of it this wont be  last you see of me

Zeke walk away from the apartment what he didn't know is Levi got out of bed see Zeke walk away and Levi said to him self

Levi -the game is on Zeke Yeager and I will stop you at your game

so Levi walk way from the window and got back In bed beside of Eren and when back to sleep

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