Q + A

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Clarianna: Luke, are you sure this is a good idea? 

Luke: What do you mean? It's a brilliant idea! We're hijacking this Q + A! 

Clarianna: You do realize though that this isn't any simple prank or mischief-making right? She can literally kill you with two words. 

Luke:  . . .  Oh, right. But it's the risk that makes everything worth it!

Clarianna: . . .

Luke: Ri, don't be such a spoil sport. 

Clarianna: . . . 

Luke: You're no fun. Anyways, welcome everyone, to the first Q + A about yours truely! I'm your host, Luke, son of the Worst Father in the Universe, and this is my girlfriend, Rianna, daughter of the Witch and Magic goddess. 

Aeryndyl: . . . What are you doing? And how the hell did you break through the fourth wall?

Luke: Oh shit, we're dead. 

Aeryndyl: . . . C-sorry, Rianna, what did you do? 

Clarianna: My mother's Hecate. It's your fault you made me a daughter of Hecate and the strongest one ever. 

Aeryndyl: . . . Fine. Whatever. Let's just get started with this Q + A since you guys aren't going anywhere. I'll figure out how to punish you later. 

Luke:  . . . Can I be the host though? 

Aeryndyl: No. 


This is kinda irrelevant but I seriously want to know. Is Aeryndyl your actual name? Or is it a pen name? Cuz that sounds like an elf name and if it's your actual name, that would be so cool.

Aeryndyl: It's actually just a pen name. My actual name is Luna. 

Luke: What??? You've been lying to us ALL THIS TIME???

Clarianna: . . . 

Aeryndyl: ACtUaLly. It's just a pen name. Like how Cassandra Clare's real name isn't actually that. I don't see it as lying. 

Luke: . . .  

What are your favourite books and\or movies?
Clarianna: Anything and everything. Books, books, and more books. 

Aeryndyl: I agree with Rianna. And, uh . . . maybe Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas at the moment? And of course, Percy Jackson. As for movies . . . probably anything from Marvel. Doctor Strange is my fav though. 

Luke: You read? I though Ri was the only bookworm around here. And Annabeth. 

Aeryndyl: If I didn't read, how the hell would your girlfriend be here? 

Who's your favourite marvel character?

Aeryndyl: Doctor Strange or Loki

Clarianna: Wanda  

Luke: Loki

Aeryndyl: . . . Expected. 

If you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?

Aeryndyl: I think I'd go with dark chestnut brown with red undertones. Or black with red highlights. 

Clarianna: Raven black. And like a few streaks of white highlights. 

Luke: I like my hair blond, thank you very - Wait, what? Ri, you'd dye your hair black with white highlights? 

Clarianna: Yup. 

Luke: On second thought, you'd actually look . . . 

Aeryndyl: Choose your next words very carefully. 

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