⟨⟨ five ⟩⟩

18 1 0

"did you mean to forget me?"

ship: past karlnapity, present karlnap
words: 784


Quackity stared down at the burning structures from the hill upon which he stood, wings tucked to his back to ward against the chill night air.

The moon's shine was pathetic when set against the roaring inferno below it, dancing and swirling vibrant embers into the sky that travelled for miles. They, in a way, appeared to be their own stars.

Wiping at his face, Quackity turned to leave. His foot froze midair, and he came face-to-face with Karl and Sapnap. His fiances, his ex-fiances.


Sapnap's voice broke the tense silence, shattering it as if his words were a stone through thin glass. Quackity's blood turned to ice, poisonous rage flooding through him and making his eyes narrow. The two men before him, despite being taller, took half-steps back.

"Yeah, Sappy?" Quackity sneered. The venom dripping from his words made Sapnap flinch, dragging Karl back with him another half-step.

It was Karl who spoke this time, his voice softer and more fragile, afraid of the response. "What.... why? Why did you—"

Quackity scoffed, turning away again to watch as Kinoko Kingdom burned. "I only did what I had to," he said eventually.

"That's so fucking vague," Sapnap spat.

Jaw twitching, Quackity whirled around to stare Sapnap down. The raven-haired man held his fiery gaze for a few moments before turning away, his own eyes of bejewelled amber becoming hidden in the darkness.

"Is it really?" Quackity asked with a maniacal laugh, tossing an arm out to gesture at the burning mess below them. "Is it really all that vague?"

Karl swallowed, grief and sorrow dancing in his eyes. "Why?" He breathed, so quietly Quackity almost didn't catch it. "Why did you— why did you ruin it?"

"You forgot me."

There wasn't an accusation, there wasn't a question. It was simply stated as it was; factual and to the point.

Swallowing again, Karl glanced past Quackity and to the flaming mushroom kingdom. "I didn't mean to," he said, he begged. "Please, please just— just listen—"

"I'm done listening!" Quackity roared, revelling in the way the two men before him flinched back. "I'm fucking done being shoved aside and forgotten about! You promised you'd be better than Schlatt!"

His accusation hung heavy in the air. Quackity panted, tearing his gaze away and tipping his head back to stare at the moon, with its pathetic glow.

"We're trying," Sapnap promised, taking a small step forward. "If you'll listen to us, and— and trust us, then we can explain. Please, Q. Alex. We love you."

"Obviously not enough."

The tension between the three was thick enough it nearly choked them, curling in their lungs and making homes in their hearts.

Karl wrung his hands, shifting his weight between his feet. The light from the roaring inferno behind Quackity caught in Karl's eyes, making his tears sparkle as they fell.

Karl has always been a pretty crier.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Karl murmured eventually. Quackity almost couldn't hear him, he spoke so softly. "I didn't want to forget you. I'm forgetting Sap too; I'm forgetting everything. Let me make it up to you, let me— let me fix this, please, Q."

Quackity turned away, jaw clenching as he fought to keep his breaths steady. Maybe to avoid watching Karl break down. He'd always been a sucker for Karl, and he was sure he'd break if he didn't look away.

Minutes passed in near-silence. The clouds that Quackity had seen on the horizon slowly gathered together, darkening th sky, and then it started to rain. Gentle, at first, but soon increasing to a torrential downpour. The rain stung his skin as it pelted him, but none of the men made any move to find shelter.

"Did you mean to forget me?"

Quackity spoke without realising, and shut his eyes when Karl flinched back. The satisfaction he'd felt earlier was long gone, and in its place was a lonely, bitter feeling.

"I didn't," Karl tried desperately. "I promise I didn't. I can— I can explain, I—"

Quackity rolled his head to look at Karl and the brunet snapped his mouth shut.

"Is it an explanation?" Quackity asked softly, letting out a sigh that made him feel years older than he was. "Or an excuse?"

Karl opened his mouth to reply, but Quackity wasn't hearing it. He turned and started walking away, impervious to the cries of both men behind him. Quackity could barely see where he was going, the rain was so powerful, but he made do and pretended it was fine.

Just like I've always done, he mused bitterly. Pretend I'm fine, because no-one has the time to deal with me.

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