Chapter 4: Night at the Opera

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Federal Building. December 8, 2005.

Diana and Jones were the headline attraction at the team meeting on Thursday. Neal had thought his news would dominate but he was relegated to second place. Who could compete with an actual encounter with vampires? Up to now, the only team members in that exclusive club were Neal and Peter.

"We met Dean and Sam inside Riffs," Jones said, "and gave them our report. So far they haven't found a trace of Drasko or his henchmen."

"Did you recognize the men with him?" Peter asked.

"Neither one was the missing student from Columbia," Diana said. "We don't remember seeing them at Riffs. A sketch artist has prepared drawings and the Winchesters have copies."

Peter glanced down at his notes. "You never saw Drasko at the rock club. That means there's likely at least one additional vampire who frequents the club. Someone probably overheard you asking about Drasko." His frown intensified. "You had a narrow escape."

Jones nodded, releasing a slow breath. "When Diana activated her siren, a group of college students on the corner started toward us. That's probably why Drasko didn't linger."

"It was reckless of him to approach you in the first place," Neal said. "Dean said that normally vampires target the lone individual."

"We were at a taxi stand," Diana pointed out. "He may not have wanted to let us escape before he delivered his message."

"Fortunately we were wearing disguises so he can't recognize us," Jones said.

Peter shook his head. "Sorry, but that won't help you. Vampires rely more on scent than sight. You're on their radar now. You'll have to leave the leg work at night to others. Have you asked the owner of the club about Drasko?"

"Jeremy Sangford? Not yet," Jones said. "I'd hoped to have stronger evidence first."

"Now we have it," Peter said, closing his notepad. "I'll arrange it with Dean."

"Is there any way to know if Drasko is one of Astrena's pure-blood brood?" Travis asked.

"Not unless he reveals himself," Neal said. "In the case of the pure-blood in West Virginia, Lutar didn't look inhuman. When he attacked me, though, his skin took on the appearance of molten lava. I felt like I'd been transported to the surface of the sun and was being liquefied."

"I had the same experience," Peter said. "Pure-bloods also can charm their victims."

"What exactly does charm mean?" Diana asked. "That we want to go to bed with them?"

Neal shrugged. "That, or whatever they want you to believe. Supposedly they can affect our memories and perceptions."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Peter cautioned. "There's little evidence to suggest Drasko's a pure-blood. It's bad enough he's a vampire. Unfortunately this heightens the probability that the missing student has been turned into one."

"But we shouldn't discount the pure-blood connection," Travis advised. He scanned the others. "Lutar was a rock musician. We know Drasko frequents a rock music club. Astrena is attracted to artists and musicians. She may pass that interest onto her progeny. In that case, Riffs may not be the only club Drasko goes to. You may not have seen him there because he's been visiting other venues."

Diana sighed, brushing her hair back with one hand. "Good point. All the rock and jazz clubs in SoHo and the Village should be checked."

"Jones, you and Diana coordinate the teams," Peter said. "No more undercover work. All inquiries must be made by teams of at least two agents and conducted during the daytime." He turned to Neal. "You mentioned you had news on the opera front?"

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