Update on McCree's Name

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This was posted on Overwatch's Twitter on August 26, 2021 (yea I'm late on this again by three days):

This was posted on Overwatch's Twitter on August 26, 2021 (yea I'm late on this again by three days):

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Tbh, it's kind of sad. Personally, I don't like change because it's hard to get used to new things. Especially since we don't know McCree's new name. However, this whole event regarding the lawsuit was unexpected so we got to give the Overwatch team some time to create a good name and implement it into the game (like they're probably got to update voice lines, graphics, that one spray of his name, and then the Overwatch 2 stuff too). What's even sadder is that we could have gotten a narrative arc in September, which is real close by the time I'm writing this (late August 2021). LIKE WE REALLY COULD'VE HAD IT ALL. Now everyone in the fandom, anyone who just likes the game, and the Overwatch team are just rolling in the deep. 

The Bright-side:

What we can be happy about is that they do not want to mess with the story arc and are gonna save McCree's character- which is better than getting rid of him. On a lore standpoint, we now know that McCree's role is important to the story which means cowboy moments. So lowkey a spoiler, even though it was made clear in February during the Blizzcon livestream that he was gonna play a big role in the storyline of Overwatch 2 (so it's really just confirmation). Lastly, this does show that the staff has been paying attention and understands how bad the situation is.  They might not have made a quick response, but I think the timing was right since they're dealing with the lawsuit, Overwatch 2, and making decisions on what to do with McCree.

Should Fanfic writers still call McCree McCree?:

Look, plenty of people have used McCree's name by now because the game has been out since 2016. We still don't know McCree's real name, and therefore we can't exactly use it. Not only that, but the readers have to understand who they're reading about- so McCree's new name will have to become commonly known or just written before the fanfic story begins. Once I know McCree's real name, you can bet that I will inform the masses here because of how excited or devastated I will be with the name. But as for other fanfic writers, do not overthink it. You don't have to refer to McCree as 'the cowboy' for the rest of your fanfics if you don't want to. It's like when Soldier:76 came out as gay- it doesn't mean you have to write strictly gay fanfics of him because that's his sexuality. Fanfiction can be whatever you want it to be, so it don't have to always be accurate.  For my writings about McCree later on, I will keep using McCree just because it's easier on me and my readers. When I find out McCree's new name, I will make it clear to my readers before they start reading if my fanfic is being published if it's still widely unknown. How will I know that? If it's been a month or more. 

So I guess McCree's now The Man With No Name- that's a reference to a western movie I think.

Anyways do you like the Overwatch Team's decision?

What's your best guess on McCree's new name? I'm guessing a nod to western films but only the ones where all the people that worked on it are dead and can't make bad choices. Maybe they will give McCree a generic white name- like Chad or Kevin. We can only hope it fits him, and isn't like the name Ben Dover.

Ok Bye Bye

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