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-your POV-

It's been about 1 1/2 months my bump started to fade, I constantly looked like a walking zombie due to lack of sleep, Fay cried nonstop, but lately it's been better, I love her in every conceivable way but the crying I hate

I walked to her crib and pick her up, she hasn't had much emotion yet nor has said a word, she cooed in my arms as I walk to the kitchen, I placed her on her swing and walked to the kitchen, Levi is gone since he had work, I've been on maternity leave, Levi refuses to let me come back he says I'm "not well" but I'm perfectly fine, he just doesn't trust anyone with Fay, I don't blame him but still

I finish making the bottle and walk over to her, I pick her up and sit down on the couch, I place to bottle to her face and she starts to suck on it, I smiled at her and waited for her to finish, once she did I placed her back in the swing and went to change my clothes, I went to the closet and just grabbed sweatpants and a hoodie that was Levi's, he shouldn't care

I walked into the living room and sat down on the floor in front of may, I reached for the remote and turned on the tv, I turned on a random show when her may coo I instantly look at her with a smile

- - -

Once Levi got home Fay was already asleep, I walked up to him and kissed his cheek "how was today?" I asked him

"Shitty, and you?"

"Pretty good I just played with Fay all day" I smile

He walks into the kitchen and I follow him "is she asleep?" He asks me and I nod, he grabs some left over and sits down, I sit across from him admiring him "you're starring" he says blankly

"Sorry I've been out of it lately" I say

"Tch" he clicks his tongue

I snap out of whatever I was in at the sound of Fay crying, I get up and walk to her room, I reach her crib and pick her up rocking her in my arms "shhh" I whisper trying to calm her down...didn't work, after a good 5 minutes for screaming she calms down, but didn't fall asleep, I walk to my room to see Levi laying on the bed, he must be tired, I don't blame him he has to work a lot being a boss and all, I sit down at the end of the bed Fay still in my arms I smile at her and rock her side to side, Levi sits up and placed his hand on my back slowly rubbing it, I peck his lips, I stand up after Fay fell asleep and put her in her room

-1 week later-

This week went by slow but I'm Finally back to work, since Levi is the protective father he is he made me bring Fay to work, lucky we all work in a private office, Levi walks straight to his office, I walk in a moment later holding Fay, everyone surrounds me in awe

"She's so cute" hange say

"I know right definitely has Levi's eyes" Isabel says

I chuckled at them and went to sit down I place Fay next to me, I opened my computer and started to type, Jean hands he papers and I give him a smile even though I know I have a lot of work to catch up on...I can't smell the overtime from here

"She's adorable" Jean says

"Thank you" I smile, he returns to his desk, I grab the first paper and start to fill it out, lots and lots of papers, after an hour or so it was lunch break we all sat in the break room, Fay in my arms as I fed her

"I still can't get over this adorableness" Isabel says admiring Fay

"Speaking of which, where's your kid?" I ask her

"Oh he's at this daycare for children" she says, kou is about 7 months old now almost a year old while Fay is just about 2 months, they are only 5 months apart so I bet they'll grow up to be friends, I hope

"I think your children will be best friends" hange says

"Bye the way my wedding is in like 2 months" I said

"Really?" They all say in unison

"Yep you're all invited" I hand them the invitations, I shoot them a smile and they do the same
- - -

I get home and fall straight to the couch, Tch I heard Levi say as he walks in holding Mays carrier

"Don't give me that I'm weak" I laugh at him, he rolls his eyes and puts may down, I get up and walk to the room kicking of my shoes and putting on my sleepwear, I flip on the bed, moments later levi comes in, he takes off his suit and puts on shorts and a tee, he lays down next to me and I turn to him looking in his eyes, I smile and hug into his chest "can we try to get some sleep" I chuckled

"We can only hope" he sneered

I kissed his lips, my eyes got heavy and I drifted into my slumber
935 words

I've done a lot more updates recently, I'm trying to since band competitions are coming up and I haven't had much to update... but I will try to update on the weekends!!

unexpected love (Levi x reader)auWhere stories live. Discover now