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𝔜𝔬𝔲 froze, your title echoing in your ears. How had he known? You were even more bedraggled than you'd been when your ship was taken by the pirates- er, the other pirates- and they hadn't known. But they were also unterritoried, ungoverned pirates. There was a chance, actually, that these boys were privateers- for your own country. You shot a glance up at the flag barely visible between the ropes and rigging of the ship. The colors marked it as definitely not your country's flag. With a sinking suspicion, you realized they were the Kozmiran colors. This was, quite likely, worse than the previous pirates. You'd fallen right into your long time enemy's hands-- the ones you were on the brink of war with, nonetheless.

"How did you..." you broke from your musings to stare at the boy again. He met your gaze easily, and for some reason the prolonged eye contact made your cheeks grow warm. But you lifted your chin, not wanting to show weakness. "How do you know who I am?"

"Doesn't everyone know Princess Y/N? The 'Warrior Princess' of Talin?" The boy's tone was slightly mocking.

Warrior Princess? You frowned, slightly. You'd wanted your weapons training to be kept mostly secret. It was better for your enemies to underestimate you, in any regard. So how did this boy, this Kozmiran pirate, know about you?

"And you could place me?" You lifted one eyebrow, curious.

"I know more than you think, doll." He replied, his smirk still firmly in place.

"That wouldn't be difficult." You delivered the line with the same sweet voice you'd been using-- your princess voice, as you thought of it. Meanwhile, your mind was racing, trying to connect the pieces. You still didn't know how he knew who you were, but you were quite confident in your assumption that he was the aforementioned 'Blind Diamond'-- the Kozmiran pirate who'd rose to fame about a year ago. You hadn't known he'd be so young.

One of the boys behind you snickered, and you cast your glance over your shoulder to see that Mush had returned and that, in fact, you had pushed off from the other ship entirely. You panicked briefly, before your eyes alit on the familiar form of David, who was sitting on a rowing bench under close watch by two of the older boys. He was watching you, slight panic in his expression. He was clearly trying to say "don't antagonize him". Which was absolutely boring and something you wouldn't be doing a lot of. You shot David a reassuring glance, to which he looked at you skeptically.

You moved your gaze back to Blind Diamond, who was still watching you with that slightly amused expression.

"Fight me," He said suddenly, holding his hand out to the side, his gaze never leaving yours. One of his boys placed a sword in his hand, and he offered it to you hilt first.

He was giving you a weapon? Was he that idiotic?

"Why should I?" You asked, wary to reveal your skill. Even if he knew you were proficient, there was no reason to show how much.

"Because I want you to."

"That's no reason."

He tilted his head to the side the slightest amount. "How 'bout this, Princess. If you win, I'll drop you and your boy off at the next town. No strings, no tails."

"That's too easy." You said with a slight smirk of your own, taking the sword and hefting it in your hand. It was well-balanced, a good sign. The boy was a pirate, after all, and you'd trained with David for years. You'd be fighting on unfamiliar ground, but you were still confident enough.

Blind Diamond laughed. "Sure, if you think so." He stepped back, slightly, dropping into a casual stance, his own weapon held diagonally across his body. "Ready?"

Thief of Princes  (Kid Blink x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now