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Kierra's view flickered as she came to a rest at the gates. The gates are kept locked throughout the day, but are manned by invisible gatekeepers by night.

Having went through the same experience each night, Kierra lost no time in approaching the glistening black gate.

Hovering over a dark void of churning essence, the gate itself couldn't be seen... but Kierra knew it was there. She had felt its presence during her first visit--- led by her guardian, but still, she could pin point its exact location.

With an edge of growing excitement, Kierra stepped right up to the sparkling onyx bars, which one could've just as readily mistaken for out-growths of gnarled tree branches towering out into the sky.

Kierra's vision narrowed down to just about ninety degrees stretching out from her, but she doesn't panic as she stood by the gates.

In her vivid state of mind, she was once again reminded of silent souls queuing up outside the Pearly Gates, awaiting the dawn of a new life in an unreachable world.

At last, her turn must've come, as this time when she stepped through the onyx gate, a tar black swirling vortex of sand engulfed her, sinking her deeper and deeper into a completely different world, where cares were light and life wasn't a hum-drum cycle of dullness.

Being sucked into a collapsing portal wouldn't necessarily be anyone's definition of fun, but it definitely gave Kierra new hope.

A fleeting glimpse of the land she would be able to visit that night flew through her head as she felt herself lighten inside the churning tornado.

Her body felt lighter, her spirit soared higher, her sights grew brighter... as she tumbled out of her nightly portal transporting her between two real, and distinct worlds...

∞ = ∞ = ∞ = ∞ = ∞

Kierra heaved a sigh of relief as she stumbled out of the massive portal and tumbled onto a tuft of soft grass, where she lay for a few minutes, just resting and catching her breath.

Her clothes, of course, morphed into an old-fashioned long sleeved, below the knee dress. This time, she is clothed in a simple yet tasteful deep blue outfit with lace ruffles around her wrists and collar. Laced leather boots warmed her feet. They always appear, these boots. At first, Kierra wasn't used to trudging along the woods all done up in leather, but over time, she grew to long for the soft comfort and warmth of these boots.

Overhead, the moonlight cast distant shadows over the dark lands. Tall trees spiralled upwards, their leaves shaking and branches swaying softly as the cool, crisp spring night's wind blowed through the air, ruffling the springy grass under where Kierra lay, lost in this world of another dimension.

Kierra was just faintly aware that somewhere, in the other world of reality--- her sleeping form lay on her bed in the little room she shared with her sister Ryo. Right now, though, Kierra was determined to make the most out of her night-long visit to this peaceful, beautiful realm.

Which reminded her that although the night is long, she has some people to meet, new secrets to dig out.

Scrambling up, Kierra smoothed out her heavy dress and removed the golden circlet around her head.

Like the boots, the very same circlet appeared over her head each time she was transported into the realms at night. Kierra didn't know their significance, but she grew to love the coolness of the delicate silver band, adorned with a single, oblong obsidian stone that changed colour as the sun made it's appearance in the sky for the first time each morning.

Every night, as she drifted on her sea of dreams, she was carried by the swift currents into a different domain. The currents are unpredictable... they'll send her to the same realm, but each night, she entered a different zone. She literally experiences every season here in this dimension. And there aren't just four either.

She doesn't recognize where the currents left her. After all, she was always disposed seemingly carelessly anywhere the currents took fancy upon.

The pleasing sounds of various woodland creatures echoed softly throughout the night. Creatures so diverse, so interesting that it's a beauty to watch them flit about under the bushes, scurry from tree to tree...

A tiny warm ball of fur scampered up to Kierra, chattering in a pipsqueak voice a language she'd only just began to pick up.

"Oh, hello there!" Smiling, Kierra bent down until she was level eye-to-eye with the mythical creature.

It looked like a cross between an average chipmunk and an oversized gerbil, its round body is totally covered by masses of sticking up fur, a small head and four tiny satiny paws.

Its light blue fur shimmers slightly under the moonlight, a soft sheen of fuzz that Kierra couldn't resist reaching out to stroke. The tiny animal shivered pleasantly at her touch and moved in to cuddle against her hand.

Laughingly, Kierra cupped both hands around the animal and brought it close to her face. The woodland creatures dwelling in this area always seem to be on friendly terms with mortals from 'the other side'. The lucky things hadn't had to go through death and destruction, much less had ever needed to survive a forest burning.

The tiny creature heaves a contented sigh and relaxes on the palm of her hand.

"You're such an adorable creature!" She gushed. "I wonder if I could see you again tomorrow night? Hmm... sometimes I just can't help but wonder what my presence really means to all you exciting folks! Me being the only human in this surreal world---"

"You make an interesting specimen of a creature yourself, Kierra!" A deep male voice rang out, temporarily startling Kierra.

Soft footsteps padded through the fallen leaves, and a lanky creature stepped into sight, revealing Kierra's closest friend in this realm, a friend who isn't all human, but who most resembles one himself.

A grin broke throughout Kierra's face as she let the little creature scamper to the ground.

"Archer!" She beamed and ran up to him.

Dropping his wooden bow and arrows which contributed to his name, Archer bent down and scooped Kierra into his arms.

Almost immediately, the strong, pleasant scent of pine needles and oak filled her head, and she giggles when he whispered in her ear, like he did each time they crossed paths:

"Welcome back, Lady Legacy."

Welcome back, not welcome home.

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