Chapter 1

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The instrumental tune of "Gurenge" pulls me out of a hazy dream. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling, slowly coming to terms with the new workday. Luckily, It's Friday.

I love my job, don't get me wrong. It's exciting to work in marketing at a custom software development firm. Working on so many different projects and getting to see dreams become reality, never gets old.

I'm just tired.

Inside and out.

I roll over and flip over my phone to turn my alarm off.

6:00 am stares at me over a lavender lit sky of an anime-style background.

I always try my best to not scroll through my phone in the morning. Looking at a screen right when my eyes open for the day always gives me a headache. So I pull myself to sit upright, give myself a moment to fully wake up, and trudge to the kitchen

The best part of any day is that first sip of coffee in the morning. Especially the first inhale, as the delicious liquid begins to pour from my trusty Keurig.

Once my cup is finished, I scoop a bit of collagen into my coffee. You can't escape the ravages of aging so once you reach my age, 25, you really start to pay attention to any and all preventative care.

I trek over to my couch and sit on the seat closest to the window. The sun is starting to rise and the city below hasn't yet started buzzing with the energy of a new weekend to come.

Curling up with my legs to my chest, I take in the sight and drink my coffee.

I'm still getting used to living on my own.

After finishing the last of my coffee and waving away the morning grogginess, I placed my cup in the sink and walked back to my room to get changed. I threw on a sports bra and leggings for my morning yoga session.

Again, the ravages of aging. My back has been killing me lately so I have found doing yoga in the morning has helped a ton.

Once the energetic lady on the screen has finished working me into a sweat while she still looks as fresh as a daisy, I hop in the shower and get ready for work.

Throwing on a cute beige pantsuit, I run the curling iron through my hair and apply my makeup for the day.

My new apartment is only a few minutes from my office. So I kiss my dog goodbye and head out into the working world.

Stopping for an iced americano on the way of course.

I arrive at my office before the hustle and bustle of the day has begun. I like to arrive around 8/8:30 am before our developers, testers, and everyone else starts crawling in around 9 am.

I sip my coffee while checking my emails and schedule for the day. It may be Friday but it doesn't look like it will be a slow day today. Back-to-back meetings with what looks like a slot for a fifteen minute break in between two meetings to scarf down lunch if I am lucky enough.

My day got overbooked late last night when I got a message from my co-worker on Discord, letting me know the person we talked to a little over a month ago sent in a signed contract to develop a new software system for them and wanted to start ASAP.

I think back to that meeting and how vague the people we talked to were.

There were two men and one woman. Super kind and pleasant to be around but they were very discreet about what they wanted. Even though both parties signed an NDA.

Whenever we have the first meeting with a potential client, they explain what they want and we break it down for them. We create a step-by-step of how long we think the project will take, how much it will cost, how big of a team they will need, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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