- NINE -

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The Kooks blasted from the van's radio as John B drove, the group in the back section bouncing around as they ran over potholes and divots in the road. Frankie had no idea where they were and he didn't reckon he'd have a better clue if it was daylight. He didn't frequent lighthouses or lookouts, but John B seemed to be right at home as he easily took turns without the use of a map or GPS.

They pulled through a particularly grassy area and the van brakes squealed as they slowed to a stop. Through the windows, all Frankie saw were trees, trees, and more trees. Pope grabbed the door handle and slid it open before John B even cut the engine, the humidity that was always present during night time on the island leaking inside.

"Recon mission!" JJ cheered as he moved to shove himself to his feet from his seat on the carpeted floor.

"Yo, uh..." John B's voice stopped them. "So, I think I'm gonna do this one by myself tonight." He decided, making eye contact with Kiara as he nodded.

The girl rolled her eyes in response, slumping back in her seat. Thunder rolled in the distance and a small gust of wind came through the open door, brushing at Frankie's hair.

"Really?" JJ sighed, dropping himself back on the floor.

"Look, I just don't wanna spook Sarah with the peanut gallery, all right?" The brunette tried to reason from where he was turned around in the driver's seat.

"I just don't understand why we have to involve her at all." Kiara quipped, not giving in on the Sarah situation.

"Kie, we're not involving her, okay?" John B droned. "It's just, like, a business meeting."

JJ made a lewd gesture with his mouth and hands, Frankie and Pope cackling quietly in response.

"Look, once we get what we need, we cut her loose, all right." He relented. "Plus, we need the map." Frankie side-eyed Pope, but the other boy just quirked a half smile back.

"Promise me nothing's happening between you." Kiara urged, making the three boys look up when they heard the tone in her voice.

Obviously Frankie didn't have years of friendship with these teens, but he could recall an early year of high school where Kiara and Sarah Cameron were attached at the hip and completely inseparable. The next year, when school started, though, they acted like they didn't even know each other. He vaguely wondered if what happened that Summer was the cause for Kiara's distaste for Sarah.

"Nothing is happening, Kie. I promise." John B replied, his voice steady as he maintained eye contact with his best friend. Something in Frankie's gut told him John B was telling the truth, but he couldn't be sure. "Okay, I'm going to go take care of business."

"Oh, yeah, go take care of that business." JJ mocked.

"Yeah, we'll just wait here in the hot-ass car. While it's lightning." Pope added, no emotion in his voice as he sarcastically spoke.

John B didn't say another word, just left the engine running as he grabbed his bag from the passenger seat and slid out of the door. The group watched through the open door as the freckled brunette made his way past the large wooden sign that read Kildare Hawk's Nest. Slowly, Frankie's eyes strayed back to Kiara who had her arms crossed, deep in thought as she stared at nothing in particular.

"Do you want to talk about it, Kie?" Frankie offered softly. The girl just shook her head, not looking at him.

"It's not good to hold onto a grudge," Pope added. "It's like drinking poison and hoping Sarah will die from it."

"Exactly." The blonde boy concurred from across the back section of the van.

"It's a long story," She sighed as she uncrossed her arms and leaned her head back against the van wall. "I don't think I'm ready to tell anyone yet."

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