Chapter 4: Floor It!

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October 3rd, 1955

Dear Diary,

This Friday is the Fall School dance. Momma helped me pick out my own dress for the occasion. It was an off the shoulders light blue dress and it was perfect! No one has asked me yet. Last week, I could've sworn Jim was going to ask me in class but he never did. I wouldn't mind going to the dance with him. Can't really say I would mind it. On the other hand, something in my gut is telling me he isn't the right one. I have thought about Vinnie asking me. I really do like him...perhaps more than a friend. What would momma say if I told her I liked a white greaser? She'd have a cow! What would daddy say if he were still here? He would shoot Vinnie dead. All I can say is Lord give me strength.

In the library at the same table she always sat, Dahlia had a free time and read a book to pass the time. She couldn't wait for tonight's event. All she had to do was tell her mother she was going to go studying with Eva and Minnie. Out of nowhere, Vinnie came in and sat down beside her. He leaned back in his chair with his black boots crossed on the table. She smiled at her friend.

"Hi Vinnie," she said. "What's going on?"

"Eh, it's about the drag tonight. You know I'm still cautious about you coming. It's only because...I don't want you to get hurt, is all I'm trying to say." He almost exposed about how much he liked her and wanted her to be safe. Vinnie had liked Dahlia ever since the day they met. Being him, he wasn't used to have feelings for another person until now.

"I'm very grateful that you're concerned about my well-being Vinnie," she blushed. "Drags are really not my thing. On the other hand I would like to have some fun around here. The dance isn't until Friday and I haven't been asked by anyone yet. However I'm willing to try new things."

Vinnie still wasn't too sure, but what's funny is that they're not a couple. Already he's seeing their friendship that way. He combed his black hair back with his hand and shrugged.

"I'll make sure Lance an' Glenn an' my brother protect ya," he assured her.

"Thank you. Is that's all you're worried about, is my safety?"

"I've been in four drag races for each year. When I was twelve I drove a hottie and got second place. I won fifty dollars and the winner won a hundred. As time went by, I've been known to come in second and it irritates the hell outta me," he explained.

"You're nervous aren't you?" Dahlia knew he was. She could see it written all over his face. Second place may not seem so bad in her book, but to Vinnie it meant last place. Second place to last is what he proclaimed it to be.

"I'm not admitting it," he smirked. "Why?"

She giggled at his stubbornness. "Because Vinnie I can tell. Hey, I don't care if you come in last place. I hope you cross the finish line in one piece."

Vinnie suddenly felt a little special for having someone else concern about his safety. "You ain't gotta worry about anythin' dolly," he said. Without hesitation he placed his left arm around her. A sudden spark occurred at the touch. Both teenagers felt it and gazed at each other, waiting for the first one to say a word. Neither did. Vinnie's hand felt good on her shoulder, as if it belonged there in that exact spot. Dahlia blushed and looked to find something else to stare at other than his icy blue eyes. Vinnie quickly removed his hand and placed it on his lap, leaving Dahlia slightly disappointed.

" one hasn't asked you to the dance yet?" He asked, changing the subject.

Dahlia shook her head no. "What about you? Aren't you taking anyone?"

He did not see that coming. The sixteen year old greaser hadn't thought about taking anyone but Dahlia. In spite of that, she in all probability wouldn't want to go with him. After all they're just tight. It wouldn't make sense to see two student friends going together at a dance unless they're a couple. Vinnie had no clue as to having Dahlia as his girlfriend in one week.

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