Chapter 1: First Day

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September 19th, 1955

Dear Diary,

It's almost been six months since daddy died. Momma hasn't been feeling herself lately. I think she's becoming depressed. Ever since the funeral she rarely spoke a word for about a month or two. I'm beginning to worry about her, but she's not my only priority. Today is the first day of high school here in Salt Lake City. Riverdale High School-which used to be an all-white school-, is where I'm going. I'm starting my sophomore year. Not only will I be the new girl, I'll be the new 'black' girl. This was going to be a long year.

   Dahlia Heart closed her diary her father gave to her for her birthday. The thought of his death pained her heart. She missed him dearly. Sighing, she gathered her school books and supplies and placed them in her bag. Racing downstairs, her mother Tina Heart was already in the kitchen drinking coffee at the table. Tina was in space, not sensing her daughter's presence in the room. Dahlia watched as her mother slowly sipped her coffee, not savoring the flavor.

"Momma, I'm off to school," Dahlia said, hoping her mother heard her, which she did thank God.

 Tina was slightly startled but realized it was Dahlia. "Oh...yeah that's right. Have a good day honey. Be sure to come straight back home before the streetlights come on."

"I will momma." Dahlia kissed her mother on the cheek and headed out the door.

It took five minutes to walk down to the bus stop and Dahlia's feet were already beginning to hurt. The shoes she was wearing weren't the best pair, but they were still in tacked. Four other black teens were at the bus stop as well. They seemed slightly nervous, which didn't make Dahlia feel any better. Finally the school bus arrived on time. The bus driver seemed like a nice old man and smiled as the teens boarded on. Dahlia sat in the middle by herself. She was shy, but got along with anyone who wanted to be her friend. The bus came to a different stop which was in front of a small square white house. The lawn hadn't been mowed and there was a chain fence around the property. Dahlia wondered who lived there and then soon came her answer. Four white boys wearing leather jackets, blue jeans, and their hairs slicked back strolled out of the house and into the bus. They were greasers. Everyone already aboard went in silence when they stepped in. Dahlia took note that everyone, except the driver, was afraid of the boys. She was too. All of them took a seat in the very back. The bus drove away to next destination which was Riverdale High School. From where she was sitting, she could hear the greasers talking louder than anybody else in the bus.

Dale Rives made jokes and comments about nonsense. He was a senior but has been held back a year and should be in college by now. Not that he would want to go to college anyway.

"...that's why I think Karley is the chick for me," he said. "She has a classy chassis" He made hand gestures of a curvy woman. "Sassy as a cat, hair like fire and has an ass that screams 'take me!'" Dale kissed his teeth and pretended to have a love sick expression on his face.

Glenn Claude, also a senior, laughed at his love sick friend. Ever since Dale met Ms. Karley Pepper, he's been talking nonstop about her. None of the fellows like her because she was a bitch with a capital 'B'. Plus she was twenty three and Dale was nineteen.

"I feel sorry for you man," he chuckled. "She's nothin' but a chick in skins, going after your long green."

Dale waved him off. "I know what I'm doing. Besides, Lance over here just got himself a new girl, ain't that right boy?" He ruffled Lance's perfectly smoothed dark brown hair. Lance Hoover, the seventeen year old junior, pushed away Dale's hand and fixed his hair.

"Lay off Dale," he argued. "And stop touching my hair, man! Shit!"

The nineteen year old greaser left him alone and casts his eyes to Vinnie, his sixteen year old brother who was a sophomore. Vinnie just sat in his seat quietly. He flicked his switchblade in and out, not paying attention to the conversation his brother and buddies were having.

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