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Fair warning: If an old man appears outside your house, proclaiming you the savior of your favorite fantasy world, turn around and run back inside. Because that's what happened to me and every day since, I wish I had never taken the stupid job. It's a long story so hold tight. There will probably be multiple parts to it, so we'll call this part one. Part one of the best and worst experience of my life.

It was a clear winter night and I had been lying in bed scrolling aimlessly through social media. I had reached maximum boredom when a loud crack of lightning boomed around me, light streaming through my open window. Raging clouds thundered over my head in an instant, and just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. Curious, I put on my sneakers and a jumper and walked outside to see what on earth had happened. It must have been the shortest storm in human history. 

To my surprise, no one else seemed bothered by it. They all stayed inside like they hadn't noticed anything. That's weird. But what was even weirder, was the strange old man standing on the sidewalk outside my house.

"Hey," I called out from my doorstep. "Can I help you?" He said nothing. I walked up to the fence line, wrapping my hoodie closer to my body. "Can I ask why you are just standing outside my house?" The old man was dressed in some sort of weird, medieval outfit, like he had just come here from a renaissance fair or something.

"Y/N L/N?" He asked and I was taken about. How the hell did this guy know my name? "I work for a man who calls himself, the Watcher. He has placed my burden on you." Burden? What burden? "I have gotten too old to complete my mission to save his world which I believe your kind call the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he calls upon you?" This dude was on crack right now. What the hell was he talking about? "I understand that this must be confusing to you, it was for me too. But I have little time and much to explain. Here." He passed me two items wrapped in a piece of cloth. I opened it to see a weird looking amulet, and a small, leather-bound book.

"What the hell is this?"

"When you receive instructions in the book, the amulet will glow green. Press firmly on it and you will be transported to his desired destination and time where you will proceed to protect the flow of time." Protect the MCU flow of time? 

"Hang on, I thought that job belonged to the TVA, not me," I asked, deciding to play along with this madness as I was probably dreaming anyway.

"The TVA is in chaos. Their leader has strayed from their path putting the universe in danger. The Watcher has assigned you to do that job. I believe it shouldn't be too hard as your people have documented that universe for years now." Documented? He must mean the Marvel movies.

I look down at the amulet.

"Trust your instincts, and don't. Change. Anything." When I looked up, the old man was gone and I was left standing out in the cold, with a book and a necklace. I stumbled back inside, not sure what to make of this. Surely, I was dreaming, right? I sat back on my bed, unsure what to do, when the book shone with light. I opened it and it fell to a certain page with writing on it.

Name: Y/N L/N
Age: Y/A
Powers: Telepathy
Story: Avengers

Fiction Traveler: Into The MCUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon