On The Train

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The mayor peeked his head through the door crack. "Hello Millie."

"Hey." I said keeping my gaze forward. Staring at a blank beige wall that had a few cracks running down it.

He walked into the room and sat down beside me on the old, worn sofa. "So... How do you feel?"

"I'm a dead person walking." I said flatly. "How do you think I feel."

"Do you want me to get your dad?"

My 'dad', ha. Like he even cared that I got reaped. He probably wouldn't even notice I was gone. "No."

He kinda just sat with me for a while. It was comforting. He was the only person, besides my mum, who had ever cared for me. And if I were to win these Games for anyone, I suppose it would be him.

A nervous looking peacekeeper came in. "Only one more minute, Mr. Mayor, and then she has to get on the train."

"Here." He said, handing my a simple gear shaped ring. "For your token. It was my wife's. Good luck out there." He kissed the top of my head and brought me to the train. "I have to go now. Unfortunatley I can't come on the train with you." He chuckled sadly.

Breaking emotion for the first time since I heard my name called by that crazy capitol lady, I rushed to him and gave him a hug. "Thanks. For everything. Just... Thanks." That same capitol woman said we needed to leave soon. "Goodbye Mr. Archibald Harrison." And that was the last time I spoke to that old mayor.


I stayed emotionless for the whole trip to the Capitol. The first thing we did was sat down to eat a meal. I just pushed my plate away. I'm sure the food would be amazing, but you don't really have much of an appetite when you're about to die. "Eat up! We might as well try to fatten you up for the Games." Said my female mentor, whose name, apparently, was Gen.

"I've tried gaining weight. I can't. It never works." I said dully.

"Why would you try gaining weight?" My escort looked shocked. By the look on Gen's face, I knew she understood.

I got up and walked out of the train car and to a nearby sitting room. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. After a few minutes my other mentor, Beetee, came in and told me we were supposed to watch the other Reapings now. I followed him out to the room where Gen and my escort were both sitting in green leather armchairs. "Where's Turner?" I asked.

"He's in the other room, he'll be here in a minute." Gen said. I sat down and listened to the sound of the train gliding on the tracks.

Turner walked in. I heard him mumble something under his breath. "Time to watch the Reapings then!" The Capitol lady said, I still didn't know her name. I wasn't really paying attention at the Reaping. We started with the District 12 Reaping and went down, since District 12 always had their Reaping first because they are the farthest away from the Capitol and thus it takes them longer to get to the Capitol. It was weird, this girl didn't look like the usual D12 girl. She had blonde hair and pale skin, unlike the usual olive skin and dark haired kids that get reaped. She must be from the better part of the District. Another girl that stood out to me was the girl from District 10, Naya... Something. She looked a little thin for a District 10, but her arms were strong looking. She looked a bit shocked initially, but then changed her reaction to a determined glare. Hm, interesting. The District 7 girl volunteered, she's probably going to try to join the career pack. Sometimes kids from that district do. Great, another trained killer that will be trying to murder me. But I guess to the Capitol it's not 'murder', it's just a game. Once we got to our District I payed attention closely. When my name was called I looked unfazed, I came up to the stage with no emotion on my face. Probably how I looked right now, too. Now looking back upon it, I probably could've tried and used strategy of some sort there, but when I get nervous my body tends to just not want to deal with anything. But at least I don't look weak. Turner's name then got called and he looked vaguely surprised. His soft green eyes seemed to dilate at least twice their regular size. He looked around anxiously, seeming to soak in every sight and sound. I looked at him, seated on the ground with his legs crossed. He looked smart, maybe even wise. But I know not to judge people by their looks. Trust no one. The District 1 girl looked pretty, y'know in a evil killer kind of way. She smirked at the camera as if she expected it all along. It gave me chills just looking at her througha tv screen. "Perfect timing, we're nearly there!"

I looked out the window, and indeed we were. I watched the buildings sparkle in the sunlight. It was rather impressive and I believe I would quite enjoy it, if I wasn't being led off to my death.

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