the station

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(third pov)

i woke up at 8 am, got up ate breakfast brushed my teeth got ready waved my cat goodbye and left my apartment; it wasn't the worst place in the world but it certainly wasn't the best but it was alright. she walked out the door rain pouring down heavily creating puddles in the dents of the tarmac in the road and the drops of rain racing against the cold glass on the windows as if they were crying. she puller their hood up blocking their face getting wet, nose red from the cold and smoke-breathe showing through their shivering teeth

she walked to the train station shaking from the cold, hands hidden in their sleeves shielding them from the cold that surrounds the air, walking don the gross littered covered path walking past people on their phones staring with no expression other than numbness rushing to platforms in a hurry . she walked viewing the signs that displayed all the platforms even though she knew exactly where she was going and in no need of directions since she took this platform everyday for work. she dragged her legs down the endless corridor to the platform she would wait at every morning. jubilee line. she waited, she had sat down on a bench nearby looking at the screens that displayed all the times for each train that hour looking between the screen and her phone frequently seeing there's only 10 minutes till it arrives.

as she silently waits, minding her own business a brunette man carrying a guitar sat down next to her. he was tall, very tall. he stared at his phone like everyone else on the platform had been doing, but y/n saw something in him that she didn't see in anyone else; he looked rather, sad. his eyes were dark brown and tired, focusing on whatever he was looking at on his phone. he had noticed that she was looking at him and decided the best thing to do was to introduce himself. "um hello!" he said with a small smile trying to give a good first impression "I'm wilbur!" she seemed quite startled obviously from his small outburst of convosation . "hello! I'm y/n" she said trying to replicate his energy. "do you catch this train often? I've never seen you before" he said which was quite unusual since she had gone on this train everyday for about a year. "yeah i get this train quite a lot which is weird since I've never seen you here either " they both giggled a bit at the situation

"hmm it is very weird, i think i would remember you if i saw you, your very pretty" he said,  as someone who cant take a complement that well all she could do is blush and try and think of what to say back. she decided on going with "i could say the same" which isn't the best of comebacks to a complement, but it was the best she could make in the space of 5 seconds. they both tinted a small bit redder at the complement but the coldness had made their faces red enough already so it was barley noticeable.

the sound of the tracks can be heard, the wheels screeching against the metal tracks slowly coming to a stop. they both stood up waiting for the train to become at a standstill. they approached the doors entering the carriage holding onto a bar to keep themselves from tripping or falling. now she could really see how tall he actually was. with her 5"5 frame against his 6"5 was a incredibly large difference. "wow, your tall" she said astonished, he giggled in response. "or your just short" he smiled smugly. "oh fuck off" she laughed in which they both smiled making eye contact. they stood like that for a while, or what felt like a while. but she could tell, there was something different about him than everyone else; something she couldn't explain in words.

after the slightly comfortable silence, he decided to change the subject, "how often do you catch this train then?" he spoke looking down . "everyday other thank the weekends " she replied looking up at his face looking again into his eyes. " its weird we've never ran into each other before then" he said confused "why how often do you go here?". he looked down at her, till clinging on the bar "most days " he replied.

after a while of talking they ended up at both of their stops in which y/n's was the nearest, which meant she had to leave. "ok, this is my stop " she said quite disappointingly as the train came to  a standstill once again. as she went through the doors stepping on the platform , she looked behind her to see wilbur waving her goodbye smiling. she smiled and waved back sadly as the doors closed in front of her, blocking her view of him. she took a deep breathe in as the train rushed out of the station.

she walked away and went up the steps towards where she worked. a small library; it didn't get many customers but it was ok. it was owned by this nice elderly lady called Alice who was quite generous and was like a mother to y/n. y/n entered to library which was a lot more warmer than the cold and damp weather was outside. she headed towards alice who was reading a book she had borrowed that week and asked her what her tasks where for that day. after she was given the tasks she set off starting them. but through out that whole day from where she had left him on that platform to when she had left him behind them doors. he was the only thing on her mind.



hiiii thanks for reading this first chapter!! this one isnt very long i think but there will be longer ones in the future :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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