Chapter 30: Garland of Sorrow

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A spooky path, surrounded by scary skeletons looking branches and weird sounds send chilled and some vibes that makes core churned.

As she passed through this passage, she could actually feel overwhelming aura that makes her feel something which was unknown for her.

She could hear the horse carriage tok sound, and sounds of crickets chirping through the forest. A thin layer of fog like smoked makes the visibility hazy and create a hollow effect, she wants to meet with her family soon that's why she choose this sort cut.

It seems her eagerness couldn't catch the time, she asked the horse carriage driver

" when we will be there, how fur? "

" it will take few more minutes because path is not clear today, there's layers of smog and that's strange " he answered .

Radha huffed, it been so long

She could remember she was only 14 when she get married and came here, many ups and downs she witnessed, this place was so closed to her, her parents, specially her father in law and yashoda and last but not in the list Ayan. The man once she loved and damaged herself badly . She decided that she will forgive him no matter how much he hurt her in past and give her a endless trauma, not because she loves him but because she was now beyond of this place, she was new, she Radha it was her nature, her root where she truly belongs herself.

As the destination came closer she slightly feel tension was building inside of her.

She closed her eyes and remembered everything ,before her toxic marriage with her parents , and with no time she fell asleep.

With a loud thud the carriage horribly stop, with a jolt her soft sleep and thoughts break like a glass, radha somehow blance herself from falling.

She poked her head from the small window of the carriage but saw nothing, she asked loudly to the couch man

" Are you alright? What happened? "

"Yes. Look like we hit with something, let me check "

Cotchman answered

Radha gently press her nose tip and tried to remain calm down herself as much as possible but somewhere in her heart she felt something wrong, soon she heard a loud groan and a splash of blood squarted in her face, she horrified and hurriedly open the lock and run towards the fornt, where she saw something which makes her inside churned and she froze on the ground, the persons who was her cotchman, was dead and his body parts was scattered around, there was hug amount of blood was every where, she was out of world, what, when many things clouded her mind. When she was looking everything happens in fornt of her, a shadow slowly started to looming over her and give her a strong push that she falls on the ground,

" ahh, my leg, it bleeding " radha horrified. She was now shaking like a leaf. She turned her head and what was she was jumped heart into her
mouth, it was a ghastly shadows with no shape, all black, only it's red glazing eyes makes it manage to look like a creature.

Radha scremed

"Well well soon, what you think that you will easily can escape from me and I will do nothing, you humiliated me, eloped with him .remembered radha you are only mine "

A familer voice speak to her from behind,

Radha turned her head and saw The person whose ominous intentions damged her life was standing there proudly, laughing at her with a sadist emotion in his heart.

" You! What have I done to you? " radha astonished.

Within seconds before she can get up, his fists grabbed her hair and pulled her harsly

His eyes focused on her, his eyes glazing like a molten lava, there was so much hatred and revenge inside

" your question is wrong it not what but it is How, you destroyed me.

Tell me radha haven't I give you what you need, I give you everything, for you body and soul but you eloped with him, even though we are married, you leave our marriage, people laughing at me. They mocked me that I was unable to gave you a child that's why you leave me. Now tell me something , did he gave you so much satisfaction that you leave me? "

He pulled her hair and tighted his fists, radha moaned in pain, tears continuesly rolling from her eyes,

She tried to freed herself but Ayan now embrace her so tigtly that she literally feel like she would broke down into pieces.

" Leave me, I thought that you will change after all this, but you not, you are same like before cruel, I leave you because you damged me, yes it's your fault, and I choose him because he tough me what love is unlike you, u r a failure Ayan as a human , and am lucky that I have not concived with your child, your blood is wrong like you "

With that Radha spit on his face.

Ayan freed her, a smirk appeared on his face as he gently remove the spit by his tumb, then he calculativly steps towards her

" So am not good enough for you, let's see how? You love me not but I love you very much for sure. After all arguments am tried, finally I have found you and as a husband I want to give you a gift "

Radha felt a chill run through her spine, she know deep down inside he was not how he looks

" I don't need your gift "

Ayan laughed

" You will love it, " with that he placed a glass ball in her hand.

Radha confused

" what is it "

" It's ur gift wife " Ayan smirked.

Radha looked at it but found nothing, then accidentally her one finger brushed the outer glass and it glazed, and what she saw make her froze completely

Her entire family was struck into a cell surrounded by many carnivorous monstrous creatures.

Her hand trumbles and glass fall from her hand and shattered into pieces.

She looked at him with agony and questions

" How you? You won't even.... Your parents are there. You are not man? Radha slapped him.

Ayan laughed

" you have two choices I know you love them, but I don't. and remember radha you can't kill me if you want it badly cause I have already killed my soul. It would only worse the situation and you will loose everyone whom you love dearly. So accept my conditions

First : leave them and they will be dead.

Second : Give me a child "

Radha paused, she knows if she leaves them they will be dead but if she not she would again loose her modisty

She closed her eyes and recalled everything, perhaps her love is more than his hatred.

She opened her eyes and told him

" I will "



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